Dbrock's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,39316,177blossomQuick-start web development with Haml, Sass and Compass.
221,32174,510fcshdBy using a client-server architecture, we are able to make the Adobe Flex compiler run ...
344,45574,510asautotestDetects source changes and compiles ActionScript.
447,94124,241payexPayEx SOAP API glue
576,41338,694rack-strip-wwwRack middleware that redirects www.example.com to example.com.
695,08674,510sprockets-rackRack middleware to serve Sprockets output.
7105,64274,510groundsHTML5 app framework
8122,83974,510campfire-sayPost to Campfire from the command line
9129,84374,510rack-normalize-domainRack middleware that normalizes the domain of GET requests.
10132,34874,510sass-extractorExtract the contents of Sass files.