Daddye's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,4553,143padrino-helpersTag helpers, asset helpers, form helpers, form builders and many more helpers for padrino
24,0243,854padrino-coreThe Padrino core gem required for use of this framework
34,4474,458padrino-mailerMailer system for padrino allowing easy delivery of application emails
44,4594,414padrino-genGenerators for easily creating and building padrino applications from the console
54,4804,421padrino-adminAdmin View for Padrino applications
64,5304,428padrinoThe Godfather of Sinatra provides a full-stack agnostic framework on top of Sinatra
74,7404,590padrino-cacheCaching support for memcached, page and fragment
812,64561,367lipsiadminLipsiadmin is a new revolutionary admin for your projects.Lipsiadmin is based on Ext Js...
914,75121,627leveldbLevelDB for Ruby
1015,44961,367foreverbSmall daemon framework for ruby, with logging, error handler, scheduling and much more.
1116,28623,402fiddler-rbA nano helper for ruby fiddle
1218,14612,502padrino-contribContributed plugins and utilities for the Padrino Ruby Web Framework
1319,24312,502mini_recordWith it you can add the ability to create columns outside the default schema, directly ...
1423,39414,205padrino-routingEnhances padrino with a named route mapping system allowing for advanced routes
1523,78611,504padrino-performanceA gem for finding performance problems in Padrino by tracking loads and memory consumpt...
1623,88761,367doDO is a thin framework useful to manage remote servers through ssh.
1729,50161,367githubwatcherGithub Growl Watcher, watch any project and receive growl notification for updates, new...
1837,52361,367goliaGolia is an website performance analyzer. Check speed and dead links.
1939,70161,367foreverSmall daemon framework for ruby, with logging, error handler and more...
2042,68261,367ruby_nsqRuby client for the NSQ realtime message processing system
2174,52961,367gem-maintenanceMaintenance tasks for your rubygems
2288,87261,367s3-syncThis is a ruby program that easily transfers directories between a local directory and ...
2389,62061,367tilt-mustacheAdd Mustache to Tilt
2490,49461,367lipsiahostingThe Lipsia Hosting task library
25125,51761,367google_tasksThis gem provides access to google tasks apis
26128,70141,086loopA tiny Ruby program used to periodically execute a command
27132,75661,367evaEffortless event driven micro framework with a tasty syntax
28147,06561,367goroutineA simple goroutine model for ruby.