Shugo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122957net-imapRuby client api for Internet Message Access Protocol
25881,268ruby-profruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and therefore is many t...
31,7571,373net-ftpSupport for the File Transfer Protocol.
44,4974,421cursesA Ruby binding for curses, ncurses, and PDCurses. curses is an extension library for te...
523,15625,716textbringerTextbringer is a member of a demon race that takes on the form of an Emacs-like text ed...
650,01061,367immutableImmutable data structures for Ruby
760,41316,044mournmailA message user agent for Textbringer.
888,34161,367textbringer-presentationPresentation mode for Textbringer.
9108,07161,367textbringer-ghost_textGhostText plugin for Textbringer.
10110,62961,367radd_djurPackrat parser combinator library for Ruby
11124,82029,456number_tunesA tool to add track numbers to tune titles
12136,36861,367rationalizeRefinement version of mathn
13142,22961,367rabbit-slide-shugo-MatsueRubyKaigi09* [スライド原稿]( * [スライドPDF](pdf/MatsueRubyKaigi09-implement-thr...
14148,67161,367textbringer-startrekStar Trek animation for Textbringer.
15150,52561,367textbringer-http_clientHTTP client plugin for Textbringer.
16164,31833,893medicine_shieldA Mastodon client for Textbringer.
17170,48561,367rabbit-slide-shugo-RubyKaigi2018Now FLOSS is so common that even Microsoft use it and develop it. But do you have contr...