1 | 2,924 | 3,050 | distribution | Distribution is a gem with several probabilistic distributions. Pure Ruby is used by de... |
2 | 5,055 | 9,038 | rserve-client | Ruby client for Rserve, a Binary R server (http://www.rforge.net/Rserve/). |
3 | 5,964 | 8,916 | rubyvis | Rubyvis |
4 | 6,053 | 10,674 | clbustos-rtf | The RTF library provides a pure Ruby set of functionality that can be used to
programma... |
5 | 6,286 | 6,959 | statsample | A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0
and 2.1... |
6 | 6,320 | 10,803 | extendmatrix | The project consists of some enhancements to the Ruby "Matrix" module and
includes: LU... |
7 | 6,366 | 10,065 | minimization | Minimization algorithms on pure Ruby |
8 | 6,373 | 15,479 | reportbuilder | Report Abstract Interface. Creates text, html, pdf and rtf output, based on a common fr... |
9 | 6,488 | 10,884 | dirty-memoize | Like Memoize, but designed for mutable and parametizable objects
Use when:
1. You hav... |
10 | 6,996 | 8,916 | rinruby | RinRuby is a Ruby library that integrates the R interpreter in Ruby, making R's statist... |
11 | 8,507 | 8,249 | svg-graph | Gem version of SVG:::Graph. SVG:::Graph is a pure Ruby library for generating charts,
w... |
12 | 13,182 | 15,980 | statsample-bivariate-extension | Polychoric and Tetrachoric extensions for Statsample::Bivariate. |
13 | 18,363 | 9,664 | statsample-optimization | Install gsl, statistics2 and provides a C extension to optimize the following methods
... |
14 | 26,817 | 67,963 | integration | Numerical integration for Ruby with a simple interface. |
15 | 36,152 | 23,161 | rtaglib | Rtaglib is a binding for Taglib's library (http://developer.kde.org/~wheeler/taglib.htm... |
16 | 46,476 | 67,963 | alglib | ALGLIB - is a multilingual collection of algorithms designed to solve problems in the f... |
17 | 62,332 | 32,918 | rb_cdio | rb_cdio is a library for Ruby that creates a module CdIo and several classes to use the... |
18 | 83,148 | 67,963 | catori | Nice command line cataloger of Music CD. Supports ape,flac,ogg,mp3, and all audiofile f... |
19 | 91,897 | 67,963 | exner | Create structural summary for Rorschach Comprehensive System. Works with
standard Exne... |
20 | 121,958 | 41,985 | statsample-sem | Structural equation modeling (SEM) for statsample gem, usign ruby and R |
21 | 138,560 | 67,963 | elsevier_api | A Ruby gem for use with Elsevier's APIs: Scopus, ScienceDirect, others. |