Clbustos's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,9133,251distributionDistribution is a gem with several probabilistic distributions. Pure Ruby is used by de...
25,0144,952rserve-clientRuby client for Rserve, a Binary R server (
45,99621,627clbustos-rtfThe RTF library provides a pure Ruby set of functionality that can be used to programma...
56,23521,627statsampleA suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1...
66,26823,402extendmatrixThe project consists of some enhancements to the Ruby "Matrix" module and includes: LU...
76,29621,627reportbuilderReport Abstract Interface. Creates text, html, pdf and rtf output, based on a common fr...
86,29912,065minimizationMinimization algorithms on pure Ruby
96,41925,716dirty-memoizeLike Memoize, but designed for mutable and parametizable objects Use when: 1. You hav...
106,9459,726rinrubyRinRuby is a Ruby library that integrates the R interpreter in Ruby, making R's statist...
118,4698,630svg-graphGem version of SVG:::Graph. SVG:::Graph is a pure Ruby library for generating charts, w...
1213,05261,367statsample-bivariate-extensionPolychoric and Tetrachoric extensions for Statsample::Bivariate.
1318,45161,367statsample-optimizationInstall gsl, statistics2 and provides a C extension to optimize the following methods ...
1426,65241,086integrationNumerical integration for Ruby with a simple interface.
1535,99961,367rtaglibRtaglib is a binding for Taglib's library (
1646,23561,367alglibALGLIB - is a multilingual collection of algorithms designed to solve problems in the f...
1762,10761,367rb_cdiorb_cdio is a library for Ruby that creates a module CdIo and several classes to use the...
1882,82761,367catoriNice command line cataloger of Music CD. Supports ape,flac,ogg,mp3, and all audiofile f...
1991,61561,367exnerCreate structural summary for Rorschach Comprehensive System. Works with standard Exne...
20121,66161,367statsample-semStructural equation modeling (SEM) for statsample gem, usign ruby and R
21138,55061,367elsevier_apiA Ruby gem for use with Elsevier's APIs: Scopus, ScienceDirect, others.