Saimon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
169i18nNew wave Internationalization support for Ruby.
221,46927,598mock_serverMock you're entire application
327,97227,598dotimeThis is a cheap time tracking substitute for those of us who can't afford the extra cas...
444,20327,598capserverextEasily setup postgres, mysql databases and the nginx ( and apac...
558,39227,598fake_consulFakes a consul server. Usecase is for feature specs using Diplomat client
661,00327,598rack-iframe-transportRack middleware for iframe-transport hacks.
765,44127,598trimmerRack endpoint to make templates and i18n translations available in javascript
8121,04027,598linkedin-saimonmooreRuby wrapper for the LinkedIn API
9123,84927,598saimonmoore-database_cleanerStrategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.