Godfoca's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,88661,367sinatra-content-forSmall Sinatra extension to add a content_for helper similar to Rails'
219,55561,367discEasily define and run background jobs using Disque
322,00061,367diffbotDiffbot provides a concise API for analyzing and extracting semantic information from w...
423,61261,367protestProtest is a tiny, simple, and easy-to-extend test framework for ruby.
532,83661,367granolaGranola is a very simple and fast library to turn your models to JSON
634,49761,367integrityYour Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!
735,70812,065migrakeMigrake allows you to run rake tasks that only need to be run once in a given environme...
841,68461,367bloodhoundMap strings like 'user:foca age:23' to ActiveRecord named_scopes
947,56761,367bobBob the Builder will build your code. Simple.
1047,84661,367scroogeClass to serialize money into the database, works out of the box with ActiveRecord
1154,20525,716beaconSimple and straightforward observers for your code
1255,16161,367granola-schemaHandles JSON Schema support for Granola serializers.
1361,60923,402moodySimple and straightforward implementation of the state pattern, inspired by the StatePa...
1482,56661,367centipedeSimple money storage for ActiveRecord models
1592,41161,367undressSimply translate HTML to Textile, Markdown, or whatever other markup format you need
1693,44261,367gerbil-railsFull support for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline when testing your coffeescript or javascr...
17101,26061,367kaliExtensible implementation of RFC5545. Also known as 'iCalendar'
18101,84161,367genlockGenlock generates Gemfile.lock files from .gems files without the need for Bundler
19109,82161,367asset_manifestAssetManifest provides utilities for generating SRI and cache-busting hashes to your st...
20115,05833,893migajasSimple library to add breadcrumbs to your Rack app
21116,42341,086ninjaRun background tasks easily
22118,04161,367flagpoleUse a bitmap to represent multiple flags (e.g. user settings)
23127,40641,086migrake-sql_storeMigrake storage engine to use a SQL database instead of the filesystem
24131,37161,367sinatra-ghetto_i18nOversimplified I18N for your Sinatra application.
25131,82541,086sinatra-urlSimple sinatra extension that gives you the ability to use named URLs in your code
26131,90361,367granola-railsGranola provides a simple and fast API to serialize objects into multiple formats. Gran...
27132,04561,367writTiny implementation of the command pattern, including input validation, using Scrivener.
28153,51761,367sbSafe buffers for Mote
29161,90061,367granola-cacheGranola::Cache provides an interface to wrap your serialization in a cache so that you ...
30182,33161,367dtbDataTable Builder provides simple building blocks to build complex filterable queries a...