Kwatch's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1127861erubisErubis is an implementation of eRuby and has the following features: * Very fast, al...
21,1001,588kwalifyKwalify is a parser, schema validator, and data binding tool for YAML and JSON.
32,22810,745abstract'abstract.rb' is a library which enable you to define abstract method in Ruby.
419,96141,086tenjinTenjin is a template engine and has the following features. * Very fast and lightweig...
532,77561,367baby_erubisBabyErubis is an yet another eRuby implementation, based on Erubis. * Small and fast *...
641,55861,367annotationAnnotation.rb is a very small but pretty good library which introduces Java's annotat...
745,22120,275minitest-okUsing Minitest::Ok, you can write: * 'ok {1+1} == 2' instead of 'assert_equal 2, 1+1',...
847,48941,086cdngetdownload JS/CSS files from public CDN (CDNJS/jsDelivr/UNPKG/Google)
948,94461,367kwartzKwartz is a template system which realized the concept 'Independence of Presentation ...
1052,95661,367rookRook is a SCM tool like Make, Rake, Ant, Cons, and so on. Rook is inspired by Cook whic...
1159,80261,367kwatableKwatable is a pretty tool to generate SQL and DTO from database table definition. Kwata...
1262,04541,086rack-test_appRack::TestApp is another testing helper library for Rack application. IMO it is more in...
1363,49825,716migr8Migr8.rb is a database schema version management tool. * Easy to install, easy to setup...
1463,51361,367cgi-exceptioncgi-exception.rb is a tiny utility to display what and at where exception raised in CGI...
1563,81361,367cgialtCGIAlt is an alternative library of 'cgi.rb'. It is compatible with and faster than 'cg...
1671,80061,367rack-jet_routerSuper-fast router class for Rack application, derived from Keight.rb. See for details.
1775,66016,044oktestOktest.rb is a new-style testing library for Ruby. You can write `ok {1+1} == 2` instea...
1878,32861,367called_fromExtention Module 'called_from' provides called_from() global function which gets filena...
1981,86361,367benry-configSmall library for configuration of application. See
2082,58061,367keightKeight.rb is the crazy-fast webapp framework for Ruby. It is about 100 times faster tha...
2185,58761,367editorkickerEditorKicker is a pretty tool to invoke your favorite editor and open errored file auto...
2298,94661,367benchmarkerBenchmarker is a pretty good benchmark tool for Ruby. Compared to `benchmark.rb` (stand...
23108,93861,367benry-cmdoptCommand option parser, much simpler and better than `optparse.rb`. Why not `optparse.r...
24114,40261,367gr8gr8 is a great command-line utility powered by Ruby. Example: $ cat data Haru...
25119,48561,367boilerpl8Scaffolding tool to download and expand boilerplate files.
26122,04161,367cmdoptCmdopt.rb is a command-line option parser. It is easier to use than optparse.rb (which ...
27122,08161,367kwaffKwaff is a pretty tool to convert Kwaff format document into XML document, and also con...
28122,69833,893merb_editorkickermerb_editorkicker is a Merb plug-in to enable you to invoke your favorite editor when y...
29122,83241,086motto-mysqlMotto-mysql is a complementary library to enhance 'mysql-ruby' library. It adds some me...
30123,07441,086merb_helpers_monkeyMerb_helpers_monkey is a Merb plug-in to extend the followng helper methods defined in ...
31123,12941,086merb_piece_cacheMerb plugin to cache html fragment
32133,60561,367section9-unittestSection9-unittest is an extension for Test::Unit. * 'describe' and 'it' are available (...
33158,40661,367benry-cliMVC-like framework for command-line application such as Git or SVN.
34166,42961,367benry-unixcmd(OBSOLETE; use 'benry-unixcommand' gem instead.)
35167,61161,367benry-recorderBenry-recorder is a tiny utility that can: * Record method calls of target object. * D...
36170,07261,367benry-cmdappBenry-CmdApp is a framework to create command-line application like `git`, `docker`, or...
37173,56561,367benryNamespace for `benry-*` gems.
38179,87941,086git-improvedGit-Improved is a wrapper script for Git command. It provides much better interface tha...
39180,63261,367cliappA small framework for CLI Applications such as Git, Docker, NPM, etc.
40180,82961,367benry-unixcommandUnix commnads implementation. Similar to `fileutils.rb`, but better than it. See https...
41181,32161,367benry-actionrunnerBenry-ActionRunner is a Action runner or Task runner, like Rake or Gulp. Compared to R...