Cldwalker's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,3261,674hirbHirb provides a mini view framework for console applications and uses it to improve rip...
21,6333,622debugger-ruby_core_sourceProvide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need them.
31,9207,160debugger-linecacheLinecache is a module for reading and caching lines. This may be useful for example in ...
42,2282,601edn'edn implements a reader for Extensible Data Notation by Rich Hickey.'
52,66613,967debuggerdebugger is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb. It is impleme...
62,7283,243bondBond is on a mission to improve autocompletion in ruby, especially for irb/ripl. Aside ...
74,0974,015riplripl is a light shell that encourages common middleware for shells i.e. rack for ruby s...
86,2489,405ripl-rackThis ripl plugin provides a console for rack apps.
96,8889,459tuxTux dresses up sinatra in a shell. Use it to interact with your helpers, view rendering...
109,13618,585bosonBoson is a modular command/task framework. Thanks to its rich set of plugins, it differ...
119,26911,991log_buddyLog statements along with their name easily. Mixin a logger everywhere when you need it.
1212,40060,549ripl-playA ripl plugin to playback ruby code in ripl coming from files, urls or stdin. Also reco...
1314,604147,291aliasCreates aliases for class methods, instance methods, constants, delegated methods and m...
1419,33023,369toadhopper-sinatraPost Hoptoad notifications from Sinatra
1519,63221,341heroku-railsManage multiple Heroku instances/apps for a single Rails app using Rake. It's the Capis...
1621,10528,212tarantulaTarantula is a big fuzzy spider. It crawls your Rails 2.3 and 3.x applications, fuzzing...
1722,596147,291chargifyRuby wrapper for the SAAS and billing API using httparty
1823,257147,291boson-moreA collection of boson plugins that can be mixed and matched
1924,66044,005ripl-irbA ripl plugin that smooths the transition from irb by mocking out IRB. Safely captures ...
2027,778107,887bahiaBahia - where commandline acceptance tests are easy, the people are festive and onde na...
2128,78484,493ripl-color_errorThis ripl plugin allows you to color errors in the console.
2237,65840,267lightningLightning is a commandline framework that lets users wrap commands with shell functions...
2337,90740,267ripl-i18nA ripl plugin that translates ripl to your preferred language. Current supported langua...
2442,933107,887ripl-ripperThis ripl plugin gives ripl multi-line eval ability using ripper.
2543,13944,005relevance_railsA Rails 3 wrapper which forces template use and includes a plethora of generators for s...
2643,143147,291console_updateUpdates records from the console via your preferred editor. You can update a record's c...
2743,65647,929has_machine_tagsThis plugin implements Flickr's machine tags as explained here[
2846,684147,291elzarProvides Chef cookbooks for a production Rails environment. Also supports Chef-erizing ...
2947,79253,644watchdogWatchdog ensures your extensions and monkey patches don't redefine existing methods as ...
3048,25347,929one9one9 is a commandline tool to help convert your ruby 1.8.7 code to 1.9.2. It works by ...
3148,83853,644ruby-debug-completionProvides ruby-debug command and command arguments completion with a completion system m...
3250,28847,929wolframExplore the vast world of computational knowledge available for free via Wolfram's v2 API.
3350,70540,267vimdbSearch your vim keybindings precisely by keystroke, mode, description or where they cam...
3451,47284,493datomic-clientThis gem provides a simple way to use datomic's http API -
3551,79353,644ripl-railsThis provides an alternative to script/console and a ripl Rails plugin to be reused wit...
3652,59260,549ripl-commandsThis ripl plugin provides a core group of commands for any ripl shell. It aims to match...
3757,80253,644tagThis project lets you tag anything from the commandline. The `tag` executable provides ...
3860,82971,169bacon-bitsThis extends the bacon testing framework with useful extensions to disable tests, have ...
3965,38553,644slushyGiving Chef a hand in the provisional kitchen - Aussie style. Using Fog's API, creates ...
4066,260107,887aasm-bangEver wanted an aasm event with an extra bang? Well ... now you can!
4177,23871,169ripl-debugThis ripl plugin automatically starts the debugger whenever an evaled input throws an e...
4286,67771,169gem_grepEnhances search command by displaying results in an ascii table and providing options t...
4390,82471,169local_gemYou have the beginnings of a ruby library and you want to access it quick. You don't wa...
4491,69284,493nirvanaA ruby web shell that has autocompletion and readline behavior. It uses websockets, rep...
4594,034107,887ripl-after_rcThis ripl plugin provides a simple way to define blocks which are run after ~/.irbrc is...
4696,128147,291debugger-completionProvides debugger with command and command arguments completion, compliments of bond.
47106,548147,291bacon-rrThis extends the bacon testing framework with the ability to use rr.
48109,795147,291bond-yardThis bond plugin generates completions for gems that have been documented with yard.
49122,281107,887menuA simple *nix command which takes arguments or stdin and provides a menu to print chose...
50125,004107,887wolfDevour computational knowledge on the commandline with wolframalpha.
51125,55484,493ripl-hijackThis ripl plugin gives you a ripl console to any ruby process using hijack.
52128,603107,887ripl-johnsonA full-featured javscript shell based on johnson a.k.a mozilla's tracemonkey. Since thi...
53131,082107,887ripl-emRun EventMachine code in a ripl shell - asynchronously of course
54131,74284,493urlsurls is a commandline bookmarking app that aims to make bookmarking fast, easy and cust...