1 | 22,275 | 25,080 | thincloud-test | Opinionated test dependencies and conventions for Ruby applications. |
2 | 27,396 | 24,135 | thincloud-authentication | Rails Engine to provide authentication for Thincloud applications |
3 | 33,144 | 47,929 | minitest-rails-shoulda | Making shoulda-matchers available for minitest-rails |
4 | 33,810 | 25,080 | s3_relay | Enables direct file uploads to Amazon S3 and provides a flexible pattern for your Rails... |
5 | 41,466 | 37,465 | thincloud-postmark | Postmark configuration for Rails apps. |
6 | 62,552 | 53,644 | thincloud-resque | Thincloud Resque is an extraction of the New Leaders resque recipes packaged up as a Ra... |
7 | 84,007 | 71,169 | thincloud-auth | Authentication generator for new Thincloud apps. |
8 | 95,622 | 84,493 | historical_society | Currently offers soft deletion, and a default scope that excludes 'deleted' records |
9 | 104,725 | 84,493 | thincloud-deployment | Opinionated framework dependencies, configuration, and recipes for Capistrano-based dep... |