1 | 31,533 | 53,556 | rubylexer | RubyLexer is a lexer library for Ruby, written in Ruby. Rubylexer is meant
as a lexer f... |
2 | 43,099 | 86,038 | rubymacros | RubyMacros is a lisp-like macro pre-processor for Ruby. More than just a
purely textua... |
3 | 45,687 | 42,025 | redparse | RedParse is a ruby parser (and parser-compiler) written in pure ruby.
Instead of YACC ... |
4 | 46,825 | 53,556 | sequence | Sequence provides a unified api for access to sequential data types, like
Strings, Arra... |
5 | 59,233 | 86,038 | reg | The reg pattern matching/replacement language |
6 | 63,679 | 86,038 | Ron | Well, who needed another serialization format? Not me, but that's what I've made. Ruby ... |