Choonkeat's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,43653,223runtimeerror_notifierThis gem installs the agent of to your application. It handles uncaugh...
227,30228,615attacheStandalone rack app to manage files onbehalf of your app
329,28624,029s3ffDirect S3 upload using CORS with s3_file_field + paperclip
430,03553,223attache_railsClient lib to use attache server
540,16320,946attache-railsClient lib to use attache server
643,25953,223active_waiterA simple mechanism allowing your users to wait for the completion of your `ActiveJob`
757,98397,699attache-apiAPI for client lib to integrate with attache server
869,08553,223gimmieRack application to provide a reverse proxy for Gimmie REST API
979,15853,223active_paramsBye bye strong parameters falls
1084,90797,699attache_clientClient lib to use attache server
11108,09397,699attache_apiAPI for client lib to integrate with attache server
12115,23353,223pubsubhubbub4rSimple pubsubhubbub client lib for Ruby. API is Rails-friendly, not Rails-dependent
13115,49897,699poormans_trendsSome numbers from the database
14155,79836,605track302Rails engine to track and redirect url