1 | 26,436 | 53,223 | runtimeerror_notifier | This gem installs the agent of RuntimeError.net to your application. It handles uncaugh... |
2 | 27,302 | 28,615 | attache | Standalone rack app to manage files onbehalf of your app |
3 | 29,286 | 24,029 | s3ff | Direct S3 upload using CORS with s3_file_field + paperclip |
4 | 30,035 | 53,223 | attache_rails | Client lib to use attache server |
5 | 40,163 | 20,946 | attache-rails | Client lib to use attache server |
6 | 43,259 | 53,223 | active_waiter | A simple mechanism allowing your users to wait for the completion of your `ActiveJob` |
7 | 57,983 | 97,699 | attache-api | API for client lib to integrate with attache server |
8 | 69,085 | 53,223 | gimmie | Rack application to provide a reverse proxy for Gimmie REST API |
9 | 79,158 | 53,223 | active_params | Bye bye strong parameters falls |
10 | 84,907 | 97,699 | attache_client | Client lib to use attache server |
11 | 108,093 | 97,699 | attache_api | API for client lib to integrate with attache server |
12 | 115,233 | 53,223 | pubsubhubbub4r | Simple pubsubhubbub client lib for Ruby. API is Rails-friendly, not Rails-dependent |
13 | 115,498 | 97,699 | poormans_trends | Some numbers from the database |
14 | 155,798 | 36,605 | track302 | Rails engine to track and redirect url |