Wmorgan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1360378optimistOptimist is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way. One li...
27181,977trollopTrollop is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way. **DEPR...
31,7413,243hpricota swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library
46,3638,828ritexRitex converts expressions from WebTeX into MathML. WebTeX is an adaptation of TeX mat...
518,85323,223leveldb-rubyLevelDB-Ruby is a Ruby binding to LevelDB.
626,45134,794whistlepigWhistlepig is a minimalist realtime full-text search index. Its goal is to be as small ...
733,57734,794ditzDitz is a simple, light-weight distributed issue tracker designed to work with distribu...
841,40134,794redis-schedulerA simple, production-ready chronological scheduler for Redis. It allows you to schedule...
952,7629,513redactRedact is a dependency-based work planner for Redis. It allows you to express your work...
1097,41334,794webrick-webdavA class for handling WebDAV requests through WEBrick, Ruby's built-in HTTP server toolk...
11130,21134,794whisperblogWhisper is a lightweight, simple weblaaagh server. Whisper is around 1200 lines of code...