Lwe's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,3883,599simple_enumProvides enum-like fields for ActiveRecord, ActiveModel and Mongoid models.
27,26719,101gravatarifyRuby (and Rails) Gravatar helpers with unique options like Proc's for default images, s...
39,3697,048page_title_helperSimple, internationalized and DRY page titles and headings for Rails.
410,14841,086entypo-railsRails asset pipeline plugin and CSS mappings for the Entypo pictograms by Daniel Bruce ...
549,20361,367vacuum_cleanerRuby (and Rails) attribute cleaning support, provides some nice and easy to enhance def...
649,99525,716loggrAdapters for different ruby logging backends. Create loggers using different adapters, ...
797,92633,893lwe-acts-as-taggable-onWith ActsAsTaggableOn, you could tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills...
8132,81261,367sawtoothProvides an interface on top of nokogiri to parse XML files like Apache Digester.