1 | 2,388 | 3,599 | simple_enum | Provides enum-like fields for ActiveRecord, ActiveModel and Mongoid models. |
2 | 7,267 | 19,101 | gravatarify | Ruby (and Rails) Gravatar helpers with unique options like Proc's for default images, s... |
3 | 9,369 | 7,048 | page_title_helper | Simple, internationalized and DRY page titles and headings for Rails. |
4 | 10,148 | 41,086 | entypo-rails | Rails asset pipeline plugin and CSS mappings for the Entypo pictograms by Daniel Bruce ... |
5 | 49,203 | 61,367 | vacuum_cleaner | Ruby (and Rails) attribute cleaning support, provides some nice and easy to enhance def... |
6 | 49,995 | 25,716 | loggr | Adapters for different ruby logging backends. Create loggers using different adapters, ... |
7 | 97,926 | 33,893 | lwe-acts-as-taggable-on | With ActsAsTaggableOn, you could tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills... |
8 | 132,812 | 61,367 | sawtooth | Provides an interface on top of nokogiri to parse XML files like Apache Digester. |