Evan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
150245rubygems-updateA package (also known as a library) contains a set of functionality that can be invok...
281100pumaPuma is a simple, fast, multi-threaded, and highly parallel HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Ra...
3688465benchmark-ipsA iterations per second enhancement to Benchmark.
48431,433vaultVault is a Ruby API client for interacting with a Vault server.
54,00930,937newrelic-redisRedis instrumentation for Newrelic.
65,45427,523rubinius-core-apiCross-impl versions of interesting Rubinius core classes
75,46327,523rubinius-actorRubinius's Actor implementation
86,7464,920vault-railsOfficial Vault plugin for Rails
96,9756,370kpegKPeg is a simple PEG library for Ruby. It provides an API as well as native grammar to ...
109,06321,211puma-herokuA Puma plugin that contains the default Heroku config
1117,76135,438benchmark_suiteA set of enhancements to the standard library benchmark.rb
1218,81661,369sourcesThis package provides download sources for remote gem installation
1323,91818,229email_address_validatorRFC Compliant Email Address Parsing using the KPEG grammars.
1424,92742,774ruby-llvmRuby-LLVM is a Ruby language binding to the LLVM compiler infrastructure library.
1530,23061,369rg-phx-testThis is a test gem only.
1630,86919,064gitjourAutomates ZeroConf-powered serving and cloning of git repositories.
1732,03216,940holaA simple hello world gem
1833,40961,369starkOptimized thrift bindings for ruby.
1937,04819,976gxGx is 3 git related tools: gx-update, gx-publish, and gx-pull-check gx-update is a rep...
2037,91221,211gemJust enough not-Rubygems to index a collection of gems for download... and maybe more.
2166,70561,369orthrus-sshA user authentication system built on SSH's key
2270,46061,369currentshUse this gem to send logs to current.sh
2374,36361,369stark-rackProvides middleware for mounting Stark/Thrift services as Rack endpoints.
2474,49630,937hoe-ignoreFIX (describe your package)
2592,99961,369sydparseA standalone ruby parser with sexp support.
2693,65761,369lostFind where you are with CoreLocation!
2793,91761,369silhouetteA 2 stage profiler
28107,93061,369rubyconfTools for when you're at rubyconf!
29119,31661,369empA number of extensions that Evan Phoenix uses.
30131,72561,369rubinius-reportA launcher to simplify reporting crashes and profiling.
31140,11661,369stark-httpHTTP Transport for Thrift services. ![stark](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41F...
32144,60161,369vagrant-provisioner-tachyonA vagrant provisioner for tachyon
33149,15561,369vektraAccess the Vektra services via Ruby