1 | 50 | 245 | rubygems-update | A package (also known as a library) contains a set of functionality
that can be invok... |
2 | 81 | 100 | puma | Puma is a simple, fast, multi-threaded, and highly parallel HTTP 1.1 server
for Ruby/Ra... |
3 | 688 | 465 | benchmark-ips | A iterations per second enhancement to Benchmark. |
4 | 843 | 1,433 | vault | Vault is a Ruby API client for interacting with a Vault server. |
5 | 4,009 | 30,937 | newrelic-redis | Redis instrumentation for Newrelic. |
6 | 5,454 | 27,523 | rubinius-core-api | Cross-impl versions of interesting Rubinius core classes |
7 | 5,463 | 27,523 | rubinius-actor | Rubinius's Actor implementation |
8 | 6,746 | 4,920 | vault-rails | Official Vault plugin for Rails |
9 | 6,975 | 6,370 | kpeg | KPeg is a simple PEG library for Ruby. It provides an API as well as native
grammar to ... |
10 | 9,063 | 21,211 | puma-heroku | A Puma plugin that contains the default Heroku config |
11 | 17,761 | 35,438 | benchmark_suite | A set of enhancements to the standard library benchmark.rb |
12 | 18,816 | 61,369 | sources | This package provides download sources for remote gem installation |
13 | 23,918 | 18,229 | email_address_validator | RFC Compliant Email Address Parsing using the KPEG grammars. |
14 | 24,927 | 42,774 | ruby-llvm | Ruby-LLVM is a Ruby language binding to the LLVM compiler infrastructure library. |
15 | 30,230 | 61,369 | rg-phx-test | This is a test gem only. |
16 | 30,869 | 19,064 | gitjour | Automates ZeroConf-powered serving and cloning of git repositories. |
17 | 32,032 | 16,940 | hola | A simple hello world gem |
18 | 33,409 | 61,369 | stark | Optimized thrift bindings for ruby. |
19 | 37,048 | 19,976 | gx | Gx is 3 git related tools: gx-update, gx-publish, and gx-pull-check
gx-update is a rep... |
20 | 37,912 | 21,211 | gem | Just enough not-Rubygems to index a collection of gems for download... and maybe more. |
21 | 66,705 | 61,369 | orthrus-ssh | A user authentication system built on SSH's key |
22 | 70,460 | 61,369 | currentsh | Use this gem to send logs to current.sh |
23 | 74,363 | 61,369 | stark-rack | Provides middleware for mounting Stark/Thrift services as Rack endpoints. |
24 | 74,496 | 30,937 | hoe-ignore | FIX (describe your package) |
25 | 92,999 | 61,369 | sydparse | A standalone ruby parser with sexp support. |
26 | 93,657 | 61,369 | lost | Find where you are with CoreLocation! |
27 | 93,917 | 61,369 | silhouette | A 2 stage profiler |
28 | 107,930 | 61,369 | rubyconf | Tools for when you're at rubyconf! |
29 | 119,316 | 61,369 | emp | A number of extensions that Evan Phoenix uses. |
30 | 131,725 | 61,369 | rubinius-report | A launcher to simplify reporting crashes and profiling. |
31 | 140,116 | 61,369 | stark-http | HTTP Transport for Thrift services.
![stark](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41F... |
32 | 144,601 | 61,369 | vagrant-provisioner-tachyon | A vagrant provisioner for tachyon |
33 | 149,155 | 61,369 | vektra | Access the Vektra services via Ruby |