Thumblemonks's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,09163,432smurfRails plugin to automatically minify JS and CSS when their bundles get cached. Send in ...
220,13922,084javagemsProvides gem-esque support to Java
325,53363,432chicagoSinatra testing extensions used commonly by Thumblemonks.
432,06412,967riot-mongoidA collection of assertion macros for testing Mongoid with Riot
532,98413,614riot_railsRiot specific test support for Rails apps. Protest the slow app.
653,65918,158riot-railsUse the fast, expressive and concise Riot unit-testing framework to test your Rails app...
756,41963,432evoke_clientTool for interfacing with the Evoke web service. See
870,79463,432inquisitionInquisition is a fancy way to protect your ActiveRecord attributes from XSS
975,31163,432animalcrackerA sweet Sinatra extension for asset hosting. Roarrrrrrrr
10114,79563,432clojureA JavaGem-ized version of Clojure
11119,84163,432forkliftTesting tool that allows for transactionless fixture data within specific contexts (use...
12120,65363,432shoulda_action_mailerShoulda macros and more assertions for Action Mailer and ActionMailer::TestCase; now in...
13121,15563,432grudgeGrudge is a stand-alone system, which means you run it on your own, that watches the co...
14121,22163,432load_modelRails Controller plugin that provides easy and useful macros for tying models and reque...
15123,86241,916sso_whatRails extension to help with cookies in a system with sub-domains
16135,69863,432gus-curbCurb (probably CUrl-RuBy or something) provides Ruby-language bindings for the libcurl(...