Masa's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7021,817numo-narrayNumo::NArray - New NArray class library in Ruby/Numo.
23,5341,919holiday_japanCalculate National Holidays of Japan after 1948
34,4923,989narrayNumerical N-dimensional Array class
421,5248,870numo-linalgRuby/Numo Linear Algebra library with interface to BLAS/LAPACK.
523,40435,920pwrakeParallel and distributed Rake for workflow execution on multicores, clusters, clouds us...
625,13442,025numo-gnuplotGnuplot interface for Ruby with simple and similar inteface with Gnuplot.
727,82221,532numo-gslNumo::GSL development version.
831,60486,038phys-unitsLibrary for Unit conversion of Physical Quantities. Features: (1) It uses rich database...
946,85724,968mathglRuby wrapper for MathGL - library for scientific data visualization
1075,45086,038pgplotPGPLOT wrapper for Ruby
1176,62286,038strace_logParse logs generated by Strace (system call tracer) and obtain statistics.
1276,99186,038rbmetisFFI wrapper of METIS graph partitioning library version: 5.1.0 http://glaros.dtc.umn.ed...
1385,74386,038wcsWCSTools wrapper for Ruby. Provides calculation and conversion of sky positions in astr...
1498,86986,038ruby-pgplotPGPLOT wrapper for Ruby
15105,88042,025numo-fftwNumo::FFTW development version.
16108,66486,038mpipeMPipe - IO.pipe emulation using MPI.
17111,40342,025numoRuby/Numo - a collection of libraries for numerical computing in Ruby.
18126,50386,038narray-ruby19N-dimensional Numerical Array class for Ruby