Ko1's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1880296debugDebugging functionality for Ruby. This is completely rewritten debug.rb which was conta...
22,7395,122nakayoshi_forknakayoshi_fork gem solves CoW friendly problem on MRI 2.2 and later.
35,09312,169gc_tracergc_tracer gem adds GC::Tracer module.
46,6436,714allocation_tracerallocation_tracer gem adds ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer module.
513,4265,364rdbgThis gem is only for namespace to install debug.gem (rdbg command)
620,46935,214debugger2debugger is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb. It is impleme...
729,85666,923pretty_backtracePretty your exception backtrace.
846,51026,806yomikomuDump compiled iseq by binary (kakidasu) and load binary (yomidasu).
946,87266,923kvkv is a page viewer designed for streaming data written by Ruby.
1064,63826,806mmapped_stringReturn file contens using mmap(2).
1173,75526,806ruby-memory-usage-profilerMemory usage profiler for debugging of Ruby itself (and/or middlewares)
1284,12443,406iseq_collectorISeq collector for MRI 2.3 and later.
1391,64219,773rstfilterShow Ruby script with execution results.
1491,75866,923class_statCollect statistics about Class and Modules.
15100,37726,806rspec-debuginvoke debugger if spec fails
18142,29435,214ractorRactor utilities.
19157,55966,923callereeCalleree helps to analyze Ruby's caller-callee relationships.
20160,21366,923guildPlace holder for Guild class.
21168,46466,923finalize_blockJoke gem - This gem provide `finalize_block` method.