Greg's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1807882ruby-graphvizRuby/Graphviz provides an interface to layout and generate images of directed graphs in...
26,72012,493ruby-xsltRuby/XSLT is a simple XSLT class based on libxml and libxsl...
313,56535,920CapcodeCapcode is a web microframework
414,98786,038bivouacDeveloppe with Camping like you do with Rails
535,83553,556envvyLoad environment variables from various sources within the Rails initialization process
656,00735,920lipsumThis class allow you to retrive "lorem ipsum" placeholder text from
760,77186,038backpackA plugin generator for Bivouac
874,38086,038soap-lcSOAP Lite Client provides support for developing clients interfaces from WSDL files.
9123,97686,038ruby-xpathRuby/XPATH is a simple XPATH class based on libxml
10124,46086,038mixrMixr is a tiny memory object caching system
11125,66653,556ruby-ivyIvy ( is a simple protocol and a set of open-sourc...
12126,15486,038rosxauthRuby/XSLT is a simple class used to give root execution privileges on MacOSX