1 | 42,579 | 54,789 | ntxt | A library and command line tool for parsing plain text into blocks by
indentation and a... |
2 | 79,469 | 18,857 | ssbx | Shared encrypted file. |
3 | 81,557 | 54,789 | bup | Backup tool driver that connects tar, gnupg, and other tools to accomplish backups. |
4 | 94,955 | 54,789 | sclust | A k-mean and LDA text clustering library for ruby. |
5 | 128,992 | 54,789 | salgo | A collection of algorithms and datastructure for ruby written in ruby. |
6 | 154,283 | 54,789 | thread_executor | Thread executor library. |
7 | 170,534 | 54,789 | suboptparse | Augment the default optparse OptionParser with some support for sub commands. |
8 | 178,530 | 54,789 | archivededup | Deduplicate files from an archive directory using a database. |
9 | 179,656 | 54,789 | rsocks5patch | Patch SOCKS5 capabilities into Ruby's Socket class. |