Mrkn's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
132037bigdecimalThis library provides arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point number class.
2755336strscanProvides lexical scanning operations on a String.
3944194stringioPseudo `IO` class from/to `String`.
41,011159csvThe CSV library provides a complete interface to CSV files and data. It offers tools to...
51,5611,367digestProvides a framework for message digest libraries.
62,6563,591enumerable-statisticsThis library provides statistics features for Enumerable
72,7154,078unicode_plotPlot your data by Unicode characters
82,9741,464fiddleA libffi wrapper for Ruby.
105,4973,839red-colorsRed Colors provides a wide array of features for dealing with colors. This includes con...
117,5467,730irubyA Ruby kernel for Jupyter environment. Try it at
129,3535,351red-datasetsYou can use datasets easily because you can access each dataset with multiple ways such...
139,75515,706garage_clientRuby client library for the Garage API
1411,3334,869numpyNumpy wrapper for Ruby
1512,3095,319chartyVisualizing your data in a simple way.
1612,6965,243matplotlibmatplotlib wrapper for Ruby
1713,4315,477red-paletteRed Palette provides features for dealing with palette.
1814,2235,277pandasPandas wrapper for Ruby
1933,61331,344dlibRuby bindings of dlib C++ library.
2041,82669,439active_support_alias_class_methodA supplementary library of activesupport to provide alias_class_method and alias_class_...
2146,87454,880youplotA command line tool for Unicode Plotting
2263,92881,623rbplotlyRbplotly, a Ruby visualization library, allows you to create interactive plots.
2370,938100,830letter_stamp_mail_deliveryMail delivery method to save delivered mails with filenames that allows us to easily re...
2471,81469,439image-fileA library for handling image files
2586,17781,623measureMeasure is a library to handle measurement numbers.
2687,78869,439iruby-railsLoading rails environment in iRuby notebook shell
2792,636129,722red-arrow-nmatrixRed Arrow NMatrix adds `Arrow::Tensor#to_nmatrix` for Apache Arrow to NMatrix conversio...
2896,36039,045daru-tdInteractive data analysis with Daru and Treasure Data.
29104,82781,623juliaJulia on Ruby
30131,764100,830exception_utilitiesUtilities for handling exceptions
31132,802100,830kernel_letProvide Kernel#let for binding names and values as block-local method
32138,979100,830mnistUtilities for MNIST handwritten digits data
33153,921129,722racudaRuby Adapted CUDA
34154,382100,830IMFIMF is a library that provides image manipulation framework for Ruby scripts.
35157,278129,722string_freeze_opsIntroducing String#-@ and String#+@ for freezing and defreezing a string
36160,044129,722tex2idConvert TeX notation to InDesign markup.
37161,23769,439comprehensionProvide Proc#comprehension
38163,657129,722red-datasets-daruRed Datasets Daru adds `#to_daru` method to each dataset in Red Datasets. Using this m...
39164,253129,722red-datasets-pandasRed Datasets Pandas adds `#to_pandas` method to each dataset and its table in Red Datas...
40164,315100,830memory-view-test-helper`MemoryViewTestHelper::NDArray` provides simple multi-dimensional numeric array that ca...
42169,030100,830mxnetMXNet binding for Ruby
43172,663129,722scikit-learnscikit-learn wrapper for Ruby