Shashank's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7084,650win32-processThe win32-process library implements several Process methods that are either unimpl...
23,79311,647windows-prThe windows-pr library is a collection of Windows functions and constants pre-defin...
34,39010,374win32-apiThe Win32::API library is meant as a replacement for the Win32API library that ship...
44,7556,337win32-serviceThe win32-service library provides a Ruby interface to services on MS Windows. You ...
55,3396,797win32-securityThe win32-security library provides an interface for dealing with security related ...
65,43622,984windows-apiThe windows-api library provides features over and above the basic interface provid...
75,9556,978win32-dirThe win32-dir library provides extra methods and constants for the builtin Dir clas...
86,3848,617win32-eventlogThe win32-eventlog library provides an interface to the MS Windows event log. Event...
97,6387,734win32-ipcThe win32-ipc library provides the Win32::IPC class. This is meant to serve as an a...
107,9127,818win32-eventThe win32-event library provides an interface to Windows event objects. An event ob...
118,34710,626win32-taskschedulerThe win32-taskscheduler library provides an interface to the MS Windows Task Schedu...
129,14411,647win32-mmapThe win32-mmap library provides an interface for memory mapped IO on MS Windows.
139,16112,509win32-mutexThe win32-mutex library provides an interface for creating mutex objects on MS Wind...
1412,82730,732win32-open3The win32-open3 library provides a working implementation of the open3 library for ...
1512,92912,509win32-file-statThe win32-file-stat library provides a custom File::Stat class specifically tailore...
1613,27030,732win32-fileThe win32-file library adds several methods to the core File class which are specif...
1713,65019,502win32-clipboardThe win32-clipboard library provides an interface for interacting with the Windows ...
1820,25557,505win32-sapiThe win32-sapi library provides an interface to the MS Windows sound interface, oth...
1920,36519,502win32-soundThe win32-sound library provides an interface for playing various sounds on MS Wind...
2021,38657,505win32-pipeThe win32-pipe library provides an interface for named pipes on Windows. A named pi...
2126,45122,984win32-shortcutThe win32-shortcut library provides an interface for creating new Windows shortcuts...
2227,46357,505win32-nioThe win32-nio library implements certain IO methods using native Windows function c...
2333,06957,505win32-semaphoreThe win32-semaphore library provides an interface to semaphore objects on MS Window...
2440,41557,505win32-changenotifyThe win32-changenotify library provides an interface for monitoring changes in file...
2566,95057,505win32-changejournalThe win32-changejournal library provides an interface for MS Windows change journ...
26126,31357,505tsql_shparsertsql_shparser is a Shallow Parser for t-SQL (which is the procedural language for MS S...