1 | 137 | 252 | eventmachine | EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network
communicat... |
2 | 1,795 | 3,059 | eventmachine_httpserver | EventMachine HTTP Server |
3 | 3,040 | 12,580 | fastthread | Optimized replacement for thread.rb primitives |
4 | 3,991 | 14,747 | mongrel | A small fast HTTP library and server that runs Rails, Camping, Nitro and Iowa apps. |
5 | 4,040 | 11,776 | gem_plugin | A plugin system based on rubygems that uses dependencies only |
6 | 4,682 | 11,430 | cgi_multipart_eof_fix | Fix an exploitable bug in CGI multipart parsing. |
7 | 5,176 | 3,890 | departure | Execute your ActiveRecord migrations with Percona's pt-online-schema-change. Formerly k... |
8 | 11,631 | 14,161 | crypt-isaac | ISAAC is a fast, cryptographically secure pseudo random number generator with strong st... |
9 | 11,805 | 32,433 | mongrel_cluster | Mongrel plugin that provides commands and Capistrano tasks for managing multiple Mongre... |
10 | 45,003 | 70,066 | eventmachine-win32 | Ruby/EventMachine socket engine library- binary gem for Win32 |
11 | 47,005 | 48,058 | swiftiply | A fast clustering proxy for web applications. |
12 | 50,992 | 70,066 | mongrel_status | A sample plugin that reports the status of mongrel. |
13 | 51,020 | 70,066 | mongrel_upload_progress | The mongrel_upload_progress gemplugin |
14 | 55,816 | 70,066 | mongrel_config | Mongrel plugin that gives you web based config tool using Camping |
15 | 57,730 | 70,066 | analogger | Analogger provides a fast and very stable asynchronous central logging service capable ... |
16 | 60,285 | 48,058 | IOWA | Internet Objects for Web Applications - A unique and capable framework for quickly buil... |
17 | 71,269 | 70,066 | engineyard-local | Engine Yard Local allows you to develop and test locally on your own computer using a v... |
18 | 75,914 | 48,058 | deque | A Deque is a queue type data structure that allows efficient insertion and deletion fro... |
19 | 82,557 | 70,066 | mongrel_console | Provides a combined Mongrel and Rails IRB console. |
20 | 96,778 | 70,066 | mongrel_experimental | Backports and experimental features for Mongrel. |
21 | 100,278 | 48,058 | serf-handler | This is a framework for creating handlers for serf, by Hashicorp. The handlers
are modu... |
22 | 101,856 | 70,066 | email-fetch-and-process | This is an extraction of a useful pattern for pulling emails and their attached files a... |
23 | 103,476 | 70,066 | jekyll-include-with-frontmatter | The built in include tags don't handle files that have frontmatter. This will, and if t... |
24 | 116,504 | 70,066 | eventmachine_snmpagent | Evented SNMP Agent |
25 | 121,054 | 70,066 | kansas | Object/Relational mapper with a Ruby based query syntax |
26 | 121,889 | 48,058 | simplereactor | Simplereactor is a very simple, pure Ruby event based IO reactor, with no external requ... |
27 | 137,897 | 70,066 | git-index | This tool takes a list of paths and checks them for git repositories. It
writes to a sq... |
28 | 145,344 | 48,058 | shellacrb | A simple caching proxy, like Varnish, but...not. And written in Ruby. |
29 | 147,008 | 70,066 | swiftcore-tasks | This is a very simple task list library that I use in a bunch of other places. |
30 | 161,624 | 70,066 | maprbcpp | Maps are associative containers which store values, indexed by key, but which provide o... |
31 | 161,799 | 70,066 | httprecognizer | The HttpRecognizer receives streamed HTTP, and when it accumulates enough to identify t... |
32 | 162,051 | 70,066 | splaytreemap | A Splay Tree is a self adjusting binary search tree with the additional property that r... |