Wyhaines's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1138231eventmachineEventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...
21,7463,248eventmachine_httpserverEventMachine HTTP Server
32,95214,661fastthreadOptimized replacement for thread.rb primitives
43,90519,470mongrelA small fast HTTP library and server that runs Rails, Camping, Nitro and Iowa apps.
53,94213,979gem_pluginA plugin system based on rubygems that uses dependencies only
64,55412,310cgi_multipart_eof_fixFix an exploitable bug in CGI multipart parsing.
75,2264,211departureExecute your ActiveRecord migrations with Percona's pt-online-schema-change. Formerly k...
811,40423,626crypt-isaacISAAC is a fast, cryptographically secure pseudo random number generator with strong st...
911,51286,038mongrel_clusterMongrel plugin that provides commands and Capistrano tasks for managing multiple Mongre...
1044,45386,038eventmachine-win32Ruby/EventMachine socket engine library- binary gem for Win32
1146,56686,038swiftiplyA fast clustering proxy for web applications.
1250,53686,038mongrel_statusA sample plugin that reports the status of mongrel.
1350,59686,038mongrel_upload_progressThe mongrel_upload_progress gemplugin
1455,30986,038mongrel_configMongrel plugin that gives you web based config tool using Camping
1557,44653,556analoggerAnalogger provides a fast and very stable asynchronous central logging service capable ...
1659,66835,920IOWAInternet Objects for Web Applications - A unique and capable framework for quickly buil...
1770,69586,038engineyard-localEngine Yard Local allows you to develop and test locally on your own computer using a v...
1875,31586,038dequeA Deque is a queue type data structure that allows efficient insertion and deletion fro...
1982,01186,038mongrel_consoleProvides a combined Mongrel and Rails IRB console.
2096,00653,556mongrel_experimentalBackports and experimental features for Mongrel.
21100,30553,556serf-handlerThis is a framework for creating handlers for serf, by Hashicorp. The handlers are modu...
22101,81353,556email-fetch-and-processThis is an extraction of a useful pattern for pulling emails and their attached files a...
23102,96242,025jekyll-include-with-frontmatterThe built in include tags don't handle files that have frontmatter. This will, and if t...
24115,94086,038eventmachine_snmpagentEvented SNMP Agent
25120,72135,920kansasObject/Relational mapper with a Ruby based query syntax
26121,14586,038simplereactorSimplereactor is a very simple, pure Ruby event based IO reactor, with no external requ...
27137,83886,038git-indexThis tool takes a list of paths and checks them for git repositories. It writes to a sq...
28145,35786,038shellacrbA simple caching proxy, like Varnish, but...not. And written in Ruby.
29147,22586,038swiftcore-tasksThis is a very simple task list library that I use in a bunch of other places.
30161,08553,556maprbcppMaps are associative containers which store values, indexed by key, but which provide o...
31161,19753,556httprecognizerThe HttpRecognizer receives streamed HTTP, and when it accumulates enough to identify t...
32161,34586,038splaytreemapA Splay Tree is a self adjusting binary search tree with the additional property that r...