Austin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11033diff-lcsDiff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hu...
23066mime-typesThe mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about MIME conte...
34368mime-types-datamime-types-data provides a registry for information about MIME media type definitions. ...
48261,286minitarThe minitar library is a pure-Ruby library that provides the ability to deal with POSIX...
51,7541,891colorColor is a Ruby library to provide basic RGB, CMYK, HSL, and other colourspace manipula...
61,9693,996archive-tar-minitar'archive-tar-minitar' has been deprecated; just install 'minitar'. The minitar library ...
72,5243,184algorithmsHeap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algori...
83,3594,368minitar-climinitar-cli is a pure-Ruby command-line tool that uses {minitar}[https://githu...
94,4065,954rubypythonRubyPython is a bridge between the Ruby and Python interpreters. It embeds a running Py...
104,7079,940transaction-simpleTransaction::Simple provides a generic way to add active transaction support to objects...
114,7405,201text-hyphenText::Hyphen is a Ruby library to hyphenate words in various languages using Ruby-fied ...
125,07012,184pdf-writerThis library provides the ability to create PDF documents using only native Ruby librar...
137,0145,866text-formatText::Format is provides the ability to nicely format fixed-width text with knowledge o...
149,86711,965color-toolscolor-tools is a Ruby library to provide RGB, CMYK, and other colourspace support to ap...
1512,39927,476ruby-net-ldapNet::LDAP is an LDAP support library written in pure Ruby. It supports all LDAP client ...
1621,47131,892meta_projectMetaProject (formerly XForge) is a library that allows interaction with various project...
1724,27537,438xforgeXForge is a simple library to interact with RubyForge, SourceForge, GForge or other Sou...
1825,72637,438marlowe{Marlowe}[] is a Rack middleware that extracts or...
1926,89948,252i18n-tasks-csvThis is a packaged gem version of the CSV import/export tasks on the {i18n-tasks Wiki}[...
2028,47531,892hoe-gemspec2Adds support for generation of gemspec files to Hoe. By default, excludes the signing k...
2128,73822,297kinetic_cafe_errorkinetic_cafe_error provides an API-smart error base class and a DSL for defining errors...
2235,42737,438text-reformText::Reform reformats text according to formatting picture templates. It's a port from...
2335,43615,928cartage-remotecartage-remote is a plug-in for {cartage}[] to bu...
2439,31818,168cartageCartage provides a repeatable means to create a package for a server-side application t...
2539,67816,541minitest-bonus-assertionsBonus assertions for {Minitest}[], providing asser...
2646,07616,541cartage-s3cartage-s3 is a plug-in for {cartage}[] to upload...
2747,18819,278cartage-rackThis release is the *last* version of cartage-rack. It will be replaced with a differen...
2860,33475,392ruwikiRuwiki is a simple, extensible Wiki-clone written in Ruby. It supports both CGI and WEB...
2964,00275,392stockpileStockpile is a simple key-value store connection manager framework. Stockpile itself do...
3066,28875,392marketo-api-rubyMarketoAPI (marketo-api-ruby) provides a native Ruby interface to the {Marketo SOAP API...
3166,58475,392stockpile-redisstockpile-redis is a connection manager for Redis to be used with {Stockpile}[https://g...
3275,57327,476cartage-bundlercartage-bundler is a plug-in for {cartage}[] that...
3392,09575,392tex-hyphenHyphenates a word according to a TeX pattern file.
3492,52237,438hoe-git2A set of Hoe plugins for tighter Git integration. Provides tasks to automate release ta...
3596,85975,392jruby-vijavaJRuby-vijava is the VMware Infrastructure (vSphere) Java API packaged for use with JRub...
36104,07275,392agioAgio is a library and a tool for converting HTML to {Markdown}[
37154,22648,252ballotBallot provides a two-way polymorphic scoped voting mechanism for both ActiveRecord (4 ...
38174,80048,252app_identityAppIdentity is a Ruby implementation of the Kinetic Commerce application identity proof...