1 | 2,854 | 5,479 | minitest-rg | Colored red/green output for Minitest |
2 | 11,897 | 72,875 | simple-sql | SQL with a simple interface. Postgres only. |
3 | 18,737 | 72,875 | simple-cli | Simple CLI builder |
4 | 20,783 | 72,875 | postjob | restartable, asynchronous, and distributed processes |
5 | 22,020 | 21,551 | expectation | Defensive programming with expectations |
6 | 26,149 | 72,875 | pipe2me-client | pipe2me command line client V0.3.2; (c) The kinko.me team, 2013, 2014. |
7 | 26,541 | 72,875 | kibo | Manage heroku instances with ease |
8 | 26,891 | 53,842 | db_memoize | library to cache (memoize) method return values in database |
9 | 26,964 | 53,842 | etest-unit | Build your tests alongside your code. |
10 | 27,575 | 72,875 | radiospieler | Some basics that your application could benefit from. |
11 | 27,663 | 72,875 | texta | texta: heuristic text formatting |
12 | 29,359 | 72,875 | vex | Vex: some ruby extensions |
13 | 29,698 | 53,842 | postqueue | simplistic postgresql based queue with support for batching and idempotent operations |
14 | 30,096 | 20,808 | simple-immutable | Immutable ruby objects implementing dot and [] accessors. |
15 | 30,319 | 24,526 | simple-http | Simple code for simple HTTP requests |
16 | 30,421 | 72,875 | rspec-httpd | RSpec testing for HTTP requests |
17 | 32,796 | 72,875 | etest | Embedded testing |
18 | 33,559 | 53,842 | radiospiel-app | Some basics that your application could benefit from. |
19 | 34,733 | 72,875 | simple_cache_rs | A sensibly fast, yet simplistic sqlite- or redis-based cache. |
20 | 39,261 | 53,842 | activerecord-metal | Sometimes you just need SQL. |
21 | 40,260 | 24,526 | bountydeps | Bountyhill dependency tracker |
22 | 45,964 | 72,875 | localite | An easy to use localization gem. |
23 | 46,625 | 72,875 | micro_sql | You only need a single method to talk to your database... |
24 | 50,266 | 72,875 | simple-ui | Simple code for simple things in the console |
25 | 52,503 | 72,875 | simple-httpd | Super-simple HTTPD server - sinatra w/gimmiks |
26 | 55,085 | 72,875 | simple_geocode | Some basics that your application could benefit from. |
27 | 62,162 | 72,875 | simple-service | Pretty simple and somewhat abstract service description |
28 | 63,857 | 72,875 | threadless | run_later without threads |
29 | 67,877 | 53,842 | dlog | A logging library mainly for development purposes. |
30 | 69,859 | 72,875 | sinatra-sse | Sinatra support for server sent events |
31 | 71,553 | 72,875 | metric_system | A simple metrics aggregator |
32 | 75,901 | 72,875 | whispler-signature | Implements whispler signatures |
33 | 79,216 | 72,875 | http-test | Simple to use HTTP API tests |
34 | 79,834 | 72,875 | geo-lite-city | Sometimes you just need SQL. |
35 | 81,354 | 72,875 | logger_ext | extend Ruby's default logger interface to support multiple arguments |
36 | 82,278 | 72,875 | simple_document | Simplistic documents. |
37 | 87,343 | 72,875 | sqlite3-full | This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3
database engine (http://... |
38 | 101,334 | 72,875 | simple_bitlify | A simple, yet caching bitlifier. |
39 | 114,712 | 37,098 | cached | The 'cached' command line tool provides an easy to use *nix caching tool. |
40 | 120,484 | 53,842 | dispaaro-couch | Yet another CouchDB handler |
41 | 124,286 | 72,875 | mdown_handler | MdownHandler: markdown views out of the box |
42 | 132,617 | 72,875 | rack-mason | If you are creating Rack middleware that changes the HTML response, use Rack::Mason to ... |
43 | 135,090 | 72,875 | rack_page_cache | A rack middleware to cache requests in static files, a la Rails' page_cache |
44 | 140,479 | 72,875 | rusty | XML parsing without the hassle. |
45 | 140,990 | 72,875 | git-trim-whitespace | A native whitespace trimmer tool for git checkins |