#42878's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8545,479minitest-rgColored red/green output for Minitest
211,89772,875simple-sqlSQL with a simple interface. Postgres only.
318,73772,875simple-cliSimple CLI builder
420,78372,875postjobrestartable, asynchronous, and distributed processes
522,02021,551expectationDefensive programming with expectations
626,14972,875pipe2me-clientpipe2me command line client V0.3.2; (c) The kinko.me team, 2013, 2014.
726,54172,875kiboManage heroku instances with ease
826,89153,842db_memoizelibrary to cache (memoize) method return values in database
926,96453,842etest-unitBuild your tests alongside your code.
1027,57572,875radiospielerSome basics that your application could benefit from.
1127,66372,875textatexta: heuristic text formatting
1229,35972,875vexVex: some ruby extensions
1329,69853,842postqueuesimplistic postgresql based queue with support for batching and idempotent operations
1430,09620,808simple-immutableImmutable ruby objects implementing dot and [] accessors.
1530,31924,526simple-httpSimple code for simple HTTP requests
1630,42172,875rspec-httpdRSpec testing for HTTP requests
1732,79672,875etestEmbedded testing
1833,55953,842radiospiel-appSome basics that your application could benefit from.
1934,73372,875simple_cache_rsA sensibly fast, yet simplistic sqlite- or redis-based cache.
2039,26153,842activerecord-metalSometimes you just need SQL.
2140,26024,526bountydepsBountyhill dependency tracker
2245,96472,875localiteAn easy to use localization gem.
2346,62572,875micro_sqlYou only need a single method to talk to your database...
2450,26672,875simple-uiSimple code for simple things in the console
2552,50372,875simple-httpdSuper-simple HTTPD server - sinatra w/gimmiks
2655,08572,875simple_geocodeSome basics that your application could benefit from.
2762,16272,875simple-servicePretty simple and somewhat abstract service description
2863,85772,875threadlessrun_later without threads
2967,87753,842dlogA logging library mainly for development purposes.
3069,85972,875sinatra-sseSinatra support for server sent events
3171,55372,875metric_systemA simple metrics aggregator
3275,90172,875whispler-signatureImplements whispler signatures
3379,21672,875http-testSimple to use HTTP API tests
3479,83472,875geo-lite-citySometimes you just need SQL.
3581,35472,875logger_extextend Ruby's default logger interface to support multiple arguments
3682,27872,875simple_documentSimplistic documents.
3787,34372,875sqlite3-fullThis module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine (http://...
38101,33472,875simple_bitlifyA simple, yet caching bitlifier.
39114,71237,098cachedThe 'cached' command line tool provides an easy to use *nix caching tool.
40120,48453,842dispaaro-couchYet another CouchDB handler
41124,28672,875mdown_handlerMdownHandler: markdown views out of the box
42132,61772,875rack-masonIf you are creating Rack middleware that changes the HTML response, use Rack::Mason to ...
43135,09072,875rack_page_cacheA rack middleware to cache requests in static files, a la Rails' page_cache
44140,47972,875rustyXML parsing without the hassle.
45140,99072,875git-trim-whitespaceA native whitespace trimmer tool for git checkins