#42879's Gems
# | Total Rank | Daily Rank | Name | Summary |
1 | 22,601 | 129,735 | mugshot | The basic idea of Mugshot is that you upload the largest/highest quality images possibl... |
2 | 29,612 | 32,595 | pluct | json-schema hypermedia client |
3 | 39,947 | 32,595 | mongoid_identity_map | Simple and transparent Identity Map implementation for Mongoid |
4 | 100,639 | 129,735 | rails_wip | Very crude (no, really, I mean very crude!) feature toggle for rails apps. |
5 | 103,271 | 129,735 | mongoid_big_decimal_integer | Mongoid type which stores BigDecimals as Integers. |