1 | 11,498 | 35,920 | rbczmq | Ruby extension for ZeroMQ (ZMQ) using CZMQ - High-level C Binding for ØMQ (http://czmq.... |
2 | 81,819 | 86,038 | type_array | TypeArray - Ruby implementation of the ECMAScript spec ( http://wiki.ecmascript.org/dok... |
3 | 107,090 | 86,038 | rehash | This gem provides basic rehashing abilities. |
4 | 114,530 | 86,038 | cb | Simple native Callback object for Ruby MRI (1.8.{6,7} and 1.9.2) |
5 | 114,790 | 53,556 | channel | Simple native Channel object for Ruby MRI (1.8.{6,7} and 1.9.2) |
6 | 115,433 | 53,556 | hwia | A faster HashWithIndifferentAccess (hwia) for MRI (1.8.{6,7} and 1.9.2) |
7 | 118,506 | 86,038 | cord | WIP implementation of a Concat Tree / Rope / Cord for Ruby MRI. |
8 | 118,540 | 53,556 | eio | eio - a libeio wrapper for Ruby |
9 | 121,380 | 53,556 | gap_buffer | WIP implementation of a Gap Buffer for Ruby MRI. |
10 | 126,922 | 86,038 | vio | Vectored I/O extension for Ruby MRI (1.8.{6,7} and 1.9.2) |
11 | 132,266 | 86,038 | methodmissing_hiredis | Ruby extension that wraps Hiredis (blocking connection and reply parsing) |
12 | 132,854 | 86,038 | mdp | Majordomo - A Ruby binding for libmdp (Majordomo implementation in C) |
13 | 133,678 | 53,556 | jio | jio - transactional, journaled file I/O for Ruby |