#42991's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,11580,166pathySimple JSON Validation and rspec matchers
216,53115,647gripGridFS attachments for MongoMapper
328,19824,037finatraProject Generator for Finatra
428,78629,644graboidweb scraping made easier
551,93374,122taggableTagging for MongoMapper
658,98352,727io_toolsExtracted modules from the Posterous Blog Importer. Used for conforming RSS Feeds or re...
770,88163,356mm_treeacts_as_tree port for MongoMapper
873,15963,356versionedVersioning for MongoMapper
980,023110,038busketMongoDB hash persistence
1087,255110,038decoySimple Ruby DSL for controlling FakeApp
1190,443110,038postlyAPI Wrapper and IRB console for posterous.com
1291,462110,038ritalinRitalin is a irb profile manager. Automatically load the libs you need through a single...
13116,234147,217cssexCreate CSS Skeletons from HTML files
14125,866147,217twitter-consoleConsole for the Twitter Gem