1 | 13,791 | 23,402 | pathy | Simple JSON Validation and rspec matchers |
2 | 17,105 | 61,367 | grip | GridFS attachments for MongoMapper |
3 | 28,898 | 41,086 | finatra | Project Generator for Finatra |
4 | 29,656 | 61,367 | graboid | web scraping made easier |
5 | 53,037 | 61,367 | taggable | Tagging for MongoMapper |
6 | 60,091 | 61,367 | io_tools | Extracted modules from the Posterous Blog Importer. Used for conforming RSS Feeds or re... |
7 | 72,242 | 29,456 | mm_tree | acts_as_tree port for MongoMapper |
8 | 74,496 | 61,367 | versioned | Versioning for MongoMapper |
9 | 81,484 | 61,367 | busket | MongoDB hash persistence |
10 | 88,771 | 61,367 | decoy | Simple Ruby DSL for controlling FakeApp |
11 | 92,128 | 61,367 | postly | API Wrapper and IRB console for posterous.com |
12 | 93,159 | 61,367 | ritalin | Ritalin is a irb profile manager. Automatically load the libs you need through a single... |
13 | 117,915 | 61,367 | cssex | Create CSS Skeletons from HTML files |
14 | 127,637 | 61,367 | twitter-console | Console for the Twitter Gem |