#42991's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,79123,402pathySimple JSON Validation and rspec matchers
217,10561,367gripGridFS attachments for MongoMapper
328,89841,086finatraProject Generator for Finatra
429,65661,367graboidweb scraping made easier
553,03761,367taggableTagging for MongoMapper
660,09161,367io_toolsExtracted modules from the Posterous Blog Importer. Used for conforming RSS Feeds or re...
772,24229,456mm_treeacts_as_tree port for MongoMapper
874,49661,367versionedVersioning for MongoMapper
981,48461,367busketMongoDB hash persistence
1088,77161,367decoySimple Ruby DSL for controlling FakeApp
1192,12861,367postlyAPI Wrapper and IRB console for posterous.com
1293,15961,367ritalinRitalin is a irb profile manager. Automatically load the libs you need through a single...
13117,91561,367cssexCreate CSS Skeletons from HTML files
14127,63761,367twitter-consoleConsole for the Twitter Gem