Rwz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12237multi_jsonA common interface to multiple JSON libraries, including Oj, Yajl, the JSON gem (with C...
2162237jbuilderCreate JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL
33,4423,013natural_sortNatural sorting support for Ruby
44,3165,353pg_lockA Postgres advisory lock client
55,0116,364ember-cli-railsIntegration between Ember CLI and Rails
611,2389,921authemAuthem provides a simple solution for email-based authentication
711,24411,862nestiveA Rails plugin/gem for awesome nested templates and layouts
814,38225,716adequate_exposureExposing things, adequately
915,57261,367role-railsjQuery plugin to provide easy way to handle DOM elements by role attribute
1017,70661,367legacy-fernetDelicious HMAC Digest(if) authentication and encryption
1121,05821,627normalize_urlNormalizing URLs like a Boss
1223,31010,745redis-gcraRate limiting based on Generic Cell Rate Algorithm
1334,29429,456asciiThis library provides methods to transliterate Unicode characters to an ASCII approxima...
1437,71717,333mock5Create and manage API mocks with Sinatra
1548,78461,367uniquify-uuidThe same as Ryan Bates uniquify gem, but uses UUID as default to generate tokens
1652,79061,367frontkit-railsBunch of rails/js helpers packed in asset pipeline friendly engine.
1769,74461,367counterfeitEasy Money gem integration for rails 3.
1869,91161,367hi-liteTextmate-like source code highlighting
1970,67761,367hljsRuby wrapper for javascript code highlighting libraries
2098,65929,456multi_typeMulti-type support for Ruby
21112,41461,367pure_formThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.