Jphastings's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,59751,220airvideoCommunicate with an AirVideo server, even through a proxy: Retrieve the streaming URLs ...
228,78211,324ThimblrA webserver built to help you test tumblr themes as you edit them
338,94851,220rack-ninja_authTransparently secure your rack application with google. For test rigs etc.
441,40851,220dmapApple uses a system of serialization (I think its called dmap…) where a 4-byte string t...
543,68514,312stashboxrUpload files to and manage their metadata. User accounts or anonymous uplo...
643,93851,220gennyGenny likes to make things up. It generates ruby objects, mainly from JSON Schema.
744,46151,220sinatra-swaggerProvides helper functions for accessing Swagger documentation from within a Sinatra web...
855,45651,220dlcAllows the generation of DLC container files (of JDownloader fame) from ruby
965,62051,220cinch-rfcYour Cinch IRC bot will how helpfully tell you about RFCs you reference
1067,24751,220sinatra-torrentAn extension to Sinatra which will allow you to run a webseeded torrent tracker of file...
1170,03051,220growl_notifierA ruby library which allows you to send Growl notifications.
1272,60451,220rack-matrix_paramsRack middleware that populates the params variable with the contents of matrix paramete...
1395,72523,838tescoSearch the Tesco Groceries API, through a very object oriented library
14103,89151,220siskelInspect a video/audio file for properties and metadata, using mediainfo
15105,98251,220blinkbox-common_loggingSimple helper for logging to gelf in the format required by blinkbox Books
16108,15329,512rspec-as_fixtureFixture files for RSpec tests
17109,12151,220cucumber-restA set of Cucumber step definitions and support functions which encapsulate common RESTf...
18117,89618,229tilt-reactRender React.js JSX files with the Tilt templating system.
19119,37251,220rack-honoured_deceasedIncludes the X-Clacks-Overhead header inside your rack application.
20124,12351,220PlaydARRA Library for querying Playdar from Ruby
21131,42451,220cinch-github_notificationsAllow your cinch IRC bot to alert channels of rull requests
22141,34351,220blinkbox-common_mappingDeal with blinkbox Books virtual URLs
23141,58551,220blinkbox-common_helpersExtensions to ruby useful for blinkbox Books
24141,62651,220blinkbox-rubocopAutomagic management of Rubocop config, custom cops, and execution
25141,74551,220blinkbox-userblinkbox ruby user management api
26142,03151,220blinkbox-common_messagingSimple helper for messaging around blinkbox Books
27143,14651,220blinkbox-common_configSimple helper for loading configuration in the blinkbox Books format
28147,23051,220cucumber-blinkboxblinkbox books specific cucumber test helpers
29153,88251,220rack-blinkbox-zuul-tokensAutomatically processes Zuul authorisation tokens on Rack apps
30160,63351,220bilAn encoder and decoder to turn arrays of arbitrarily large (non-negative) integers into...