Sgrove's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,53630,732bushidoA module for integrating the Bushido platform into a rails app
219,35722,984ffcrm_cloudfujiIntegrates Fat Free CRM with the Cloudfuji hosting platform.
321,27357,505airbrake_user_attributesAdds information about the current user to error reports
429,42822,984cloudfujiA module for integrating the Cloudfuji platform into a ruby app
530,75322,984errbit_cloudfujiIntegrates Errbit with the Cloudfuji hosting platform.
640,08957,505devise_bushido_authenticatableBushido SSO authentication module for Devise. A slight variant of the excellent work fr...
746,44457,505zenboxSend your user information to our hosted service and zenbox your inbox.
854,85122,984fulcrum_cloudfujiIntegrates Fulcrum with the Cloudfuji hosting platform.
955,39357,505leftronicLeftronic is an amazing dashboard-as-a-service company, but I wanted to work with them ...
1058,73530,732taneThis gem provides all the tools necessary to develop a rails app meant for deployment o...
1165,92157,505authlogic_bushidoBushido support for Authlogic
1277,54457,505devise_cloudfuji_authenticatableCloudfuji SSO authentication module for Devise. A slight variant of the excellent work ...
1382,10357,505cloudfuji_paperclipEasy upload management for ActiveRecord
1483,11130,732authlogic_cloudfujiCloudfuji support for Authlogic
15118,74757,505bushido-fayeSimple pub/sub messaging for the web