Mkdynamic's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,0262,500delightedDelighted API Ruby Client.
216,0728,291wcag_color_contrastCalculate the contrast ratio between 2 colors, for checking against the WCAG recommende...
343,27847,329vssA simple vector space search engine with tf*idf ranking.
464,31721,040scheduleA Ruby replacement for Cron
575,66274,510keMeasure progress of Ruby code.
684,63147,329good_printNot as awesome as awesome_print. Prints objects with simple balanced indentation.
7123,08547,329miracle_extensionsA bunch of useful Ruby extensions
8124,03647,329miracle_generatorsJust another RESTful scaffold generator for Rails.
9124,21447,329miracle_rolesA dead simple roles plugin for Rails.