Rogerleite's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1426879httpiCommon interface for Ruby's HTTP libraries
235,36433,893minion_serverTiny local server. Useful to mock servers in integration tests.
356,20761,367http_objectsHTTP 1.1 by the spec, specially headers
459,94161,367rubygems_snapshotAdds snapshot command to gem. This command allow import/export of gems.
562,25561,367restfoliaREST client to consume and interact with Hypermedia API
664,51761,367http_monkeyA fluent interface to do HTTP calls, free of fat dependencies and at same time, powered...
769,10861,367abrioClient ruby para o encurtador
869,83429,456memorizeAllows Rails applications to do and control cache of actions
989,93861,367zapt_inClient ruby para os encurtadores e
1091,20161,367azukiClient library and command-line tool to deploy and manage apps on Azuki.
1199,34761,367psn_trophiesParser for PSN Trophies site
12112,63061,367anvisa-botPesquisa de produtos para saúde registrados
13122,16961,367azuki-apiRuby Client for the Azuki API
14134,29161,367http_monkey-cookieRack middleware to support magic cookie on clients