Brodock's Gems

See profile on Gravatar
#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1933829gitlab-markupThis gem is used by GitLab to render any non Markdown markup
21,447446tanuki_emojiTanuki Emoji provides Emoji character information and metadata with support for Noto Em...
313,11023,402gitlab_kramdownGitLab Flavored Markdown extensions on top of Kramdown markup. Tries to be as close as ...
479,15361,367brodock-validates_as_emailRails gem/plugin that implements an ActiveRecord validation helper called validates_as_...
580,79561,367lita-queueLita plugin to manage channel specific queue
695,18061,367lita-hangoutGenerates Google+ Hangout URL for GoogleApps
7115,61861,367brodock-config-file-loadersimple way to load erb yaml config files. based upon
8118,76961,367brodock-work_queueA tunable work queue, designed to coordinate work between a producer and a pool of work...
9182,57561,367adequate_discoveryAdequate Service Discovery
10182,58461,367adequate_servicesAdequate Services
11182,58461,367gitlab-backup-cliGitLab Backup CLI