Josephhalter's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,55426,667sequel_bitemporalBitemporal versioning for sequel, fully tested.
212,594129,735red_cloth_formatters_plainAllows Redcloth to output plain text
313,64432,595i18n-sequel_bitemporalI18n Bitemporal Sequel backend. Allows to store translations in a database using Sequel...
416,603129,735string_cleanerFix invalid UTF-8 and wipe invisible chars, compatible with Ruby 2.6+ with extensive specs
516,806129,735sequel-audit_by_dayAudit by day for sequel_bitemporal
664,56051,488openhood-simple_state_machineSame as acts_as_state_machine but on multiple columns and with more strict validation, ...
7120,19632,595excelsior-formatsA Ruby gem that uses C bindings to read CSV files superfast. I'm totally serial!