1 | 25,701 | 51,488 | svxbox | View the code. |
2 | 27,413 | 129,735 | rack-xslview | A rack middleware for transforming XML with XSL. |
3 | 30,443 | 129,735 | sinatra-cache | A Sinatra Extension that makes Page and Fragment Caching easy. |
4 | 50,481 | 129,735 | rack-xsl | Rack middleware for transforming XML with XSL. |
5 | 77,866 | 129,735 | rack-rdiscount | A rack middleware for converting markdown to html. |
6 | 95,593 | 51,488 | sinatra-xslview | Simple helper function to render XML via an XSL stylesheet. |
7 | 125,353 | 129,735 | rack-docunext-content-length | Computes the final length of a Rack response body and adds an HTTP header with the value. |
8 | 128,110 | 51,488 | sinatra-simple-rdiscount | Just converts markdown to HTML. |