#43161's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,67466,011rdaRda(Rails Development Assist) is combined with lots of useful commands which can help y...
230,10866,011jolokiaThe Jolokia ruby library
334,369107,996rescposPrint formatted docs with Winpos WP-800
446,11149,384rightnow_omsA common mountable engine can be used to manage the orders.
548,79149,384task-managerTaskManager can help you to manage your routine tasks effectually.
660,426107,996siestaA rails mountable engine setting up siesta for testing ExtJS
762,325107,996yeqs_sexybuttonsYeqs Sexybuttons provide a flexible way to use sexybuttons(http://sexybuttons.googlecod...
862,478107,996yeqs_jqueryYeqs Jquery wraps all the jquery related components. It provides a generator for each c...
971,59866,011gmusicgmusic provides APIs to search songs from http://music.g.cn. There are three query cond...
1074,91466,011dm-searcherDataMapper plugin providing for searching models with nested conditions.
1195,93049,384hightouchHightouch(HT) will help you to build your web blog in minutes and with helpers to deplo...
12122,83149,384lenovo-powervfw_clientProvide a executable client and a client API of the Power V firewall of Lenovo
13128,214107,996cnnamecnname provides support to handle the names of Chinese
14129,307107,996dcm4cheeProviding RESTful APIs for dcm4chee.
15137,149107,996ember-inkylike-sourceember-inkylike source code wrapper for use with Ruby libs.