1 | 28,674 | 66,011 | rda | Rda(Rails Development Assist) is combined with lots of useful commands which can help y... |
2 | 30,108 | 66,011 | jolokia | The Jolokia ruby library |
3 | 34,369 | 107,996 | rescpos | Print formatted docs with Winpos WP-800 |
4 | 46,111 | 49,384 | rightnow_oms | A common mountable engine can be used to manage the orders. |
5 | 48,791 | 49,384 | task-manager | TaskManager can help you to manage your routine tasks effectually. |
6 | 60,426 | 107,996 | siesta | A rails mountable engine setting up siesta for testing ExtJS |
7 | 62,325 | 107,996 | yeqs_sexybuttons | Yeqs Sexybuttons provide a flexible way to use sexybuttons(http://sexybuttons.googlecod... |
8 | 62,478 | 107,996 | yeqs_jquery | Yeqs Jquery wraps all the jquery related components. It provides a generator for each c... |
9 | 71,598 | 66,011 | gmusic | gmusic provides APIs to search songs from http://music.g.cn. There are three query cond... |
10 | 74,914 | 66,011 | dm-searcher | DataMapper plugin providing for searching models with nested conditions. |
11 | 95,930 | 49,384 | hightouch | Hightouch(HT) will help you to build your web blog in minutes and with helpers to deplo... |
12 | 122,831 | 49,384 | lenovo-powervfw_client | Provide a executable client and a client API of the Power V firewall of Lenovo |
13 | 128,214 | 107,996 | cnname | cnname provides support to handle the names of Chinese |
14 | 129,307 | 107,996 | dcm4chee | Providing RESTful APIs for dcm4chee. |
15 | 137,149 | 107,996 | ember-inkylike-source | ember-inkylike source code wrapper for use with Ruby libs. |