Lefnord's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1841635grape-entityExtracted from Grape, A Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions.
21,125647grape-swaggerAdd auto generated documentation to your Grape API that can be displayed with Swagger.
31,385776grape-swagger-entityGrape swagger adapter to support grape-entity object parsing
44,3465,648grape-swagger-representableGrape swagger adapter to support representable object parsing
517,90261,367grape-starterCLI to create a API skeleton based on Grape and Rack
659,99561,367rsttanother ruby wrapper for Stuttgarter Tree Tagger
765,82523,402nlp_toolzmake NLP tools available, from OpenNLP and BerkeleyParser
867,23661,367rb_tagsA wrapper around ctags, with search for tag and open file if found.