Jbe's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,77363,432sidekickAutomatically run common development tasks on events, as prescribed in a local .sidekic...
230,43663,432laydownProvides a simple Ruby DSL for defining HTML5 layouts for web apps. For those who has w...
337,60241,916action_treeActionTree is a DRY request router. It provides a compact DSL for defining actions and ...
445,84830,305instant_dslHelps you define new DSL's by manufacturing classes.
548,69563,432lazy_loadLazyLoad is a slightly more elaborate alternative to the autoload m...
667,01841,916voccovocco is an extra super quick-and-dirty documentation generator based on Vim, written i...
779,32525,458ripple_oh_carambaMonkeypatches Ripple, giving support for referential associations, mutual associations,...
898,80763,432shiftShift is a generic interface to different compilers, compressors, and so on. You can us...
9103,50425,458rcheckTests that are very simple, useful and quick
10122,63763,432histograffleCount the occurrence of each of several things. Pure and banal Ruby.