Shaners's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,15323,754rc-restRobot Co-op REST web services base class. This library makes it easy to implement REST-...
215,04827,387microformatsA Ruby gem to parse HTML containing microformats2 and classic microformats that returns...
320,1589,577easy_yamlEasyYAML reads a file from a path and uses YAML.safe_load to safely load its contents a...
420,8039,515this_featureA common interface to interact with many feature flag providers
521,02751,323homesteadingThe Homesteading CLI is retired. Homesteading has changed to Dark Matter.
622,16251,323microformats2Parses HTML for microformats and return a collection of dynamically defined Ruby objects
727,68135,332flipper-echoExtensible event notifier for Flipper gem
828,75051,323homesteading_helpersA collection of Rails controller/view helpers shared across multiple Homesteading publi...
931,71551,323homesteading_publisherA generic Rails Engine that all HS-* post type publisher apps build on top of.
1031,98851,323homesteading_assetsA collection of Rails CSS/JS assets shared across multiple Homesteading publisher apps.
1133,65051,323homesteading-tasksDoes nothing. Moved into Homesteading Publisher.
1237,09751,323markdown_mediaThis syntax uses doubles square brackets on each side of a URL and optional options. ...
1348,79551,323dangDang is a Ruby templating language. It uses angle brackets and CSS syntax. Somewhere be...
1450,52751,323new_base_60Handy Conversion Sexagesimal (base 60) for Short URLs Cuts out ambiguous characters lik...
1554,14651,323picture_tag-railsRails View Helper picture_tag extension
1657,46751,323micropubRuby implementation of Micropub.
1766,81035,332homesteading_postA generic Rails Engine that all HS-* post type publisher apps build on top of.
1897,46351,323nameboyBatch edit passwords for domains managed at [](http://access.enom...
19118,18051,323link_rel_parserParse HTTP `Link` headers into a structured format
20118,24051,323book_publisherGem for building setting up and building books in multiple formats
21120,67351,323htmldog* A command line tool for html tag / css property documentation using as th...
22121,26035,332rubygems-isit19Lets you figure out if your gems and gems you install might work on 1.9. Uses http://i...
23136,48751,323ethioClient library for the Eefio API
24144,45851,323hover-ruby-clientHover ruby client
25146,97851,323sandstormThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
26154,06651,323indieauthRuby implementation of Indieauth
27167,94951,323eefioClient library for the Eefio API
28173,76151,323ruby_lintFork of Rubocop without all of the 'cop' stuff. ACAB.
29182,10651,323hypertextqlSQL database backed by HTML files, HypertextQL spec, and reference implementation (Ruby)