Jetviper21's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18702,097compassCompass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintena...
21,0822,171compass-import-onceChanges the behavior of Sass's @import directive to only import a file once.
31,1222,185compass-coreThe Compass core stylesheet library and minimum required ruby extensions. This library ...
41,5452,877compass-railsIntegrate Compass into Rails 3.0 and up.
55,8399,206compass-blueprintCompass extension for blueprint css framework
631,10642,025growl_notifyGrowl gem for ruby based on the applescript api
745,34186,038compass-growlAdd growl notifications for compass
847,04186,038sassy_hashSassyHash is a Hash extension that is directly injectable into a Sass::Script::Value::Map
923,80416,691flowplayerFlowplayer helper for Rails 3
1059,97853,556tesseractRuby wrapper for google tesseract
1174,52186,038serialy-sassyDeserializ a json or yaml file into a sass map
1285,73186,038compass-themesOut of the box designs using the compass css framework
1387,20986,038compass-rmagick-engineDrop in rmagick sprite engine for compass
14119,41186,038compass-themeCompass Stylesheets for documentation site and extension repo
15126,46586,038safe_forkSafe forking for active record
1698,79041,211sass-concatConcatenates a sass project into a single file by resolving @imports into a single file...