T_maurer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,93223,838acts_as_state_machineThis act gives an Active Record model the ability to act as a finite state machine (FSM).
234,94551,220acts-as-tree-with-dotted-idsA drop in replacement for acts_as_tree with super fast ancestors and subtree access
340,38451,220rack-geoipcountryRack::GeoIPCountry uses the geoip gem and the GeoIP database to lookup the country of a...
449,89951,220deploy_tasksCommon deploy tasks
576,38851,220wadl_generatorSimple WADL Generator targeted on REST APIs with optional Apigee Flavour
6110,29551,220one_time_assignmentRestrict ActiveRecord fields to one assignment only.
7117,55651,220html_helpersEncode and decode HTML entities in your views and other classes