1 | 55,865 | 86,038 | tricycle-rack-contrib | Contributed Rack Middleware and Utilities, including Tricycle's modifications |
2 | 81,874 | 53,556 | comatose | Comatose is a micro CMS designed for being embedded into existing Rails applications. |
3 | 119,590 | 86,038 | email_spec-tricycle | Easily test email in rspec and cucumber |
4 | 124,413 | 86,038 | rack-chromeframe | Sets the X-UA-Compatible header in all responses to enable Google Chrome Frame |
5 | 128,102 | 86,038 | tricycle-model_sync | Fork of the model_sync gem by Anton Jenkins |
6 | 142,786 | 53,556 | html2textile | Provides an SGML parser to convert HTML into the Textile format |