Jeroenj's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,65021,937geo_ipA call to the will be done to retreive the geolocation based on the IP add...
223,90817,204openminds_deployThe most commonly used tasks in Capistrano recipes
332,51174,510action_loggerLog actions in your Rails app
437,48738,694capoCommand line utility to fetch and manage Capistrano recipes
541,04574,510spree_simple_product_translationsSpree Extension that adds an intuitive way to translate product details in the backend
649,24774,510bunkaA gem to perform command over parallel ssh connections on multiple chef serverspec. Out...
767,80274,510spree_product_translationsSpree Extension that adds translations to products
868,23774,510deploy_trackingTracking capistrano deploys in a deploy log file in the repository
969,45074,510timed_fragment_cacheYou'll be able to automatically invalidate a cache on a specified time.
10117,99874,510bierdopjeA ruby wrapper around the api
11127,61874,510ci-killerKills CI nodes if they have been running for too long.