Rodjek's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4682,192puppet-lintChecks your Puppet manifests against the Puppetlabs style guide and alerts you to any d...
21,6632,273rspec-puppetRSpec tests for your Puppet manifests.
34,9519,610puppet-lint-trailing_newline-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure that your manifest files end with newlines.
435,94486,038puppet-profilerAnalyses your Puppet runs on a host and returns a list of resources that are slowing ...
539,23824,968grokA more featureful replacement for SEC (Simple Event Correlator) in Ruby.
6111,84986,038aussiesmsSend text messages via
7119,38853,556hapiGeneric HTTP API wrapper for Ruby
8131,20153,556hensonBundler for Puppet modules.