#43334's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,6447,929idiomTakes a set of keys in Yaml format and translates them through Google Translate.
26,9237,929timerSimple timer to perform a block and display the elapsed time.
37,0207,565natural_timeSmart enumeration of durations in natural language--"4 hours, 3 minutes and 2 seconds"
47,2197,929yrbProcesses Yahoo! Resource Bundle format translation files and converts them to a hash.
58,99161,367ymdpFramework for developing applications in the Yahoo! Mail Development Platform.
655,82041,086epicEpic validator, wraps validation for HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
772,69361,367ymdp_generatorGenerates new views, JavaScripts, stylesheets and translation assets for Yahoo! Mail De...
873,06561,367progressions-basepathBy adding a .base file to your application base dir, helps you augment $LOAD_PATH, auto...
973,19561,367progressions-gThe Kernel.g that works like Kernel.p on growl :)
1089,99661,367serenityHandles configuration options from Yaml files, returning multi-level values with approp...
1192,30761,367ymdtWrapper for Yahoo! Mail Development Tool, handles deploying applications to Yahoo! Mail...
1296,63461,367tyopAdds typos to a string.
13120,15861,367drankDrunkelizes your strings.
14125,13361,367string_maskerTakes a string and a hash of parameters and masks the given parameters from appearing i...
15125,88961,367progressions-postlyAPI Wrapper and IRB console for posterous.com
16125,90061,367progressions-translatorTakes a set of keys in Yaml format and translates them through Google Translate.