1 | 6,644 | 7,929 | idiom | Takes a set of keys in Yaml format and translates them through Google Translate. |
2 | 6,923 | 7,929 | timer | Simple timer to perform a block and display the elapsed time. |
3 | 7,020 | 7,565 | natural_time | Smart enumeration of durations in natural language--"4 hours, 3 minutes and 2 seconds" |
4 | 7,219 | 7,929 | yrb | Processes Yahoo! Resource Bundle format translation files and converts them to a hash. |
5 | 8,991 | 61,367 | ymdp | Framework for developing applications in the Yahoo! Mail Development Platform. |
6 | 55,820 | 41,086 | epic | Epic validator, wraps validation for HTML, JavaScript and CSS. |
7 | 72,693 | 61,367 | ymdp_generator | Generates new views, JavaScripts, stylesheets and translation assets for Yahoo! Mail De... |
8 | 73,065 | 61,367 | progressions-basepath | By adding a .base file to your application base dir, helps you augment $LOAD_PATH, auto... |
9 | 73,195 | 61,367 | progressions-g | The Kernel.g that works like Kernel.p on growl :) |
10 | 89,996 | 61,367 | serenity | Handles configuration options from Yaml files, returning multi-level values with approp... |
11 | 92,307 | 61,367 | ymdt | Wrapper for Yahoo! Mail Development Tool, handles deploying applications to Yahoo! Mail... |
12 | 96,634 | 61,367 | tyop | Adds typos to a string. |
13 | 120,158 | 61,367 | drank | Drunkelizes your strings. |
14 | 125,133 | 61,367 | string_masker | Takes a string and a hash of parameters and masks the given parameters from appearing i... |
15 | 125,889 | 61,367 | progressions-postly | API Wrapper and IRB console for posterous.com |
16 | 125,900 | 61,367 | progressions-translator | Takes a set of keys in Yaml format and translates them through Google Translate. |