1 | 22,851 | 55,996 | rjr | Ruby Json Rpc library |
2 | 31,956 | 55,996 | polisher | General API and utility scripts to manipulate and query ruby gems and projects after be... |
3 | 33,922 | 15,582 | wipple | See http://wipple.devnull.network for installation instructions |
4 | 34,744 | 16,093 | xrbp | Ruby XRP Tools |
5 | 34,865 | 55,996 | bundler_ext | Simple library leveraging the Bundler Gemfile DSL to load gems already on the system an... |
6 | 43,101 | 40,399 | rxsd | A library to translate xsd schemas and xml implementations into ruby classes/objects |
7 | 63,513 | 40,399 | tdl | Aeolus Template Description Language Tools |
8 | 73,141 | 55,996 | motel | Motel is a library to track and move the locations of objects in a 3D environment. |
9 | 76,647 | 55,996 | simrpc | simrpc is a simple Ruby module for rpc communication, using Apache QPID as the transpor... |
10 | 88,843 | 55,996 | reterm | RETerm provides a framework and components to build full featured terminal interfaces. |
11 | 92,077 | 55,996 | rrudb | Ruby NuDB Wrapper |
12 | 94,246 | 55,996 | rage | The Ruby Advanced Gaming Engine |
13 | 96,047 | 55,996 | resilience | Ruby ReFS utils |
14 | 107,498 | 55,996 | reterm-all | This metagem pulls in reterm and all optional dependencies for full functionality |
15 | 112,558 | 55,996 | retroflix | Retro Game Library Manager |
16 | 121,507 | 55,996 | bistro | Bistro is a class for dealing with BInary STRuctured data |
17 | 125,929 | 55,996 | polisher-test | ruby gems polisher test |
18 | 129,507 | 55,996 | cdk | This is a pure ruby port of the CDK ncurses widget toolkit. |