Splendeo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,2978,414to_xlsAdds a to_xls method to all enumerations, which can be used to generate excel files con...
239,26161,367splendeo-generatorsryanb's nifty-generators + i18n, blueprint, formtastic, declarative_authorization and c...
347,19961,367haml-rails-with-i18nHaml-rails with i18n views
465,89261,367dependent_selectdependent_select: a select that depends on other field and updates itself using js
590,57361,367renfieldAdds several interesting methods and tasks to vlad the deployer
696,63961,367splendeo_translatorTranslator makes using Rails internationalization simpler
7128,07961,367splendeo-nifty-generatorsA fork of ryanb's nifty-generators, with i18n and blueprint.