1 | 15,030 | 28,793 | CoffeeTags | CoffeeTags generates ctags compatibile tags for CoffeeScript. |
2 | 81,001 | 28,793 | ircnotify | Send a message to your IRC server/channel straight from the terminal |
3 | 99,279 | 86,038 | tunnel_vision | Easily open and close ssh tunnels required by your project |
4 | 113,071 | 86,038 | versionista | No fuss and extra features. Simply bump major/minor/patch version of your software stor... |
5 | 123,850 | 86,038 | wapl | Library and helper for communicating with Wapple.net Architect web service, more inform... |
6 | 129,734 | 86,038 | color-tail | Use it like tail -f to watch a group of files, but with added color codes |
7 | 130,037 | 53,556 | launchit | Kinda like Quicksilver but from terminal |