Apotonick's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1134151representableRenders and parses JSON/XML/YAML documents from and to Ruby objects. Includes plain pro...
2141154uberA gem-authoring framework.
3147146declarativeDSL for nested generic schemas with inheritance and refining.
43201,795declarative-optionDynamic options.
52,1902,859disposableDecorators on top of your ORM layer.
62,2432,928reformForm object decoupled from models.
72,2832,682declarative-builderGeneric builder pattern.
82,3982,297roarObject-oriented representers help you defining nested REST API documents which can then...
92,4262,819cellsView Models for Ruby and Rails, replacing helpers and partials while giving you a clean...
102,6803,326reform-railsAutomatically load and include all common Reform features for a standard Rails environm...
113,0242,971cells-railsConvenient Rails support for Cells.
123,3394,774trailblazerRuby framework for structuring your business logic.
133,3954,304trailblazer-operationTrailblazer's operation object.
143,4543,067test_xmlTest your XML with Test::Unit, MiniTest, RSpec, or Cucumber using handy assertions like...
153,7205,453hooksDeclaratively define hooks, add callbacks and run them with the options you like.
163,7913,064roar-railsRails extensions for using Roar in the popular web framework.
173,7922,975erbseAn updated Erubis with block support. Block inheritance soon to come.
183,8943,349rspec-cellsUse render_cell in your specs.
194,0115,232trailblazer-railsConvenient Rails support for Trailblazer.
204,0893,257cells-erbTilt binding for Erbse. Erbse is a modern Erubis implementation with block support.
214,1954,583trailblazer-activityRuntime code for Trailblazer activities.
224,2544,672trailblazer-contextArgument-specific data structures for Trailblazer such as Context and ContainerChain.
234,3017,207trailblazer-loaderLoads all Trailblazer concepts files at startup.
244,4565,316trailblazer-macroMacros for Trailblazer's operation
254,5825,346trailblazer-macro-contractOperation macros for form objects
264,6704,642trailblazer-activity-dsl-linearThe #step DSL for Trailblazer activities.
274,7857,125pipetreeFunctional nested pipeline dialect for Ruby.
284,7887,635trailblazer-cellsCells that integrate with Trailblazer's file layout.
294,8234,722trailblazer-developerDeveloper tools for Trailblazer: debugger, activity visualizer and tracing.
305,1836,851cells-hamlHaml integration for Cells
315,4157,745cells-slimSlim integration for Cells.
326,89312,946trailblazer-testAssertions, matchers, and helpers to test Trailblazer code.
338,8684,780trailblazer-declarativeGeneric DSL providing schemas and inheritance.
349,1639,279apotomoWeb component framework for Rails providing widgets that trigger events and know when a...
3510,1369,821roar-jsonapiObject-oriented representers help you define nested JSON API documents which can then b...
3610,4428,764onfireHave bubbling events and observers in all your Ruby objects.
3710,44520,275kaminari-cellsSimple Kaminari pagination in Cells.
3814,59013,218cells-hamlitHamlit integration for Cells
3916,47718,157trailblazer-compatUse Trailblazer 1.1 and 2.x in one application.
4023,06316,657paperdragonExplicit image processing based on Dragonfly with Paperclip compatibility.
4125,26521,627trailblazer-finderTrailblazer Finder Objects
4226,41061,367active_helperFinally - helpers with proper encapsulation, delegation, interfaces and inheritance!
4327,42061,367rspec-apotomoUse render_widget in your specs
4429,10815,060cells-filtersBefore and after filters for your cell.
4543,86261,367trailblazer-endpointEndpoints handle authentication, policies, run your domain operation and prepare render...
4647,71741,086cells-captureProvides content_for for Cells.
4750,28961,367trailblazer-circuitBPMN-compliant workflows or state machines. Used in Trailblazer's Operation to implemen...
4863,03123,402nitImproving your Git workflow since 2013.
4976,03061,367trailblazer-generatorGenerate trailblazer files from your command file
5079,12261,367tyrantAgnostic authorization component for Trailblazer.
51112,81061,367raiseApotonick's programming tools.
52135,25461,367tamaramaThe simplest web stack.
53144,24761,367authsomeAgnostic authorization integration for Trailblazer.
54149,34661,367kamasutraKaminari-extension to make it Railsless by using Cells.
55150,86541,086notification_pipelineGeneric social network notifications.
56156,63361,367trailblazer-proIntegration code for TRB PRO.
57157,24341,086mallrideA framework-agnostic E-commerce architecture.
58163,67661,367tortureTool collection to write and layout programmer's manuals.
59164,64061,367trailblazer-pro-railsRails support for Trailblazer PRO.
60174,73061,367trailblazer-core-utilsUtilities for Trailblazer core developers.
61180,74761,367trailblazer-workflowBPMN process engine