Rylwin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,22686,038check_writerRuby library for generating PDF checks that you can take to the bank
246,20086,038accountant_dateAccountants deals with dates that are simply months (e.g., 01/13). accountant_date pars...
3123,55386,038barcoder-clientRuby client to access the Barcoder
4130,27753,556rylwin-acts_as_archiveDon't delete your records, move them to a different table. Like acts_as_paranoid, but d...
5136,74753,556irs_formsGenerate IRS forms with your data
6164,62286,038rylwin-acts-as-taggable-onActsAsTaggableOn, with Expected /lib/acts_as_taggable_on/acts_as_taggable_on.rb to defi...